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How to remove spray paint?



So, naturally after completely detailing (breaking my back doing so) and marveling in the glory that Adam's polishes has bestowed upon the 95 Impala SS I recently saved - my hippie neighbor decided to spray paint the railings in front of his house every color of the rainbow. Naturally, he did so over the course of a few windy days and unbeknownst to me, my car was covered in tiny specks of paint. Not noticeable unless you're right up on the car, I only noticed them after washing when looking to put another coat of wax on. I don't know how but there are specks on pretty much every panel of the car. 


Luckily it seems like the wax that was on the car prevented it from bonding too well because I can knock them off with my fingernail...but obviously this is not a really great plan. 


After thinking about it, my first idea was to just clay the car again then maybe hit it with the fine machine polish and then start over with the super sealant and start layering wax again. 


Will claying the car strip the sealer/wax off of it? 


Does anyone have and idea's on how to maybe get the paint off without having to strip and re-polish the car? 


Thanks guys

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Well, I will say the only reason I'm not REALLY mad is that there are some area's of the car that need to be gone over again anyway. Plus I've decided to remove the door ding guards so that will require some buffing as well. And I should only have to hit it with the fine machine polish and sealant...not all of the steps. Sigh....it never ends does it? 


BTW, I also have an 05 GTO. She will be getting "Adamized" very soon!!! 

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I just had the same problem, had over spray all over my truck, had to clay and decided to do a good wash first then followed up with FMP and a coat of wax, came out great.


You may have a few swirls after claying that overspray, make sure to use a lot of lube and wash the car after each panel.



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Well, bad news...I tried some clay on a few spots today and it doesn't seem abrasive enough to take the specks off. Like I said, I can knock them off with a finger nail but there's just too many to do that. 


Should I still clay/strip the whole car or is it ok to just take the flex to it as is? (After a wash obviously)

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Goo gone and a microfiber didn't work either. Really weird. 


I'm sure in the worst case scenario the severe swirl remover will take it off...but I guess I'll try with the fine polish first as I'd rather not do all the steps over again. 

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Goo Gome won't get rid of it, if the clay didn't the Goo Gone sure won't.

send me PM and I'll show you how to get rid of it




Goo gone and a microfiber didn't work either. Really weird. 


I'm sure in the worst case scenario the severe swirl remover will take it off...but I guess I'll try with the fine polish first as I'd rather not do all the steps over again.


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I went to a local auto body supply store today and asked the owner since he has been very knowledgeable in the past. 


He sold me one of these:





Of course we tried it first. The spots we tried it on came right off! And, I can attach it to the flex if there's a particularly stubborn spot. 

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I think once I use it on the whole car I will not go back to clay. Just the increased surface area you can cover with the 6" pad vs a small clump of clay in your hand should cut my time in half to do the whole car. 



And the B-body SS is a HUGE car lol! 

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Ok guys...so I went at it today. Got a lot of the spots off...but I  still find some if I look hard enough. It seems the panels that regularly bake in the sun are the hardest to get them off of. I did the hood, roof and trunk today. Wound up having to go at them each about 3 times with the severe swirl remover, then I did the swirl and haze and fine machine polish. And just as I was running out of sunlight, I still was able to find a dot or two on the trunk while giving a final inspection. 


I am not happy. 


I told the neighbor about it and he has been very apologetic..which doesn't solve my problem at all. He has been going back and forth with the store he bought the paint from though and apparently it is water based and should come off with alcohol or mineral spirits. Not sure if that's true but he will be bringing me some denatured alcohol tomorrow and some mineral spirits. 


I am unsure if that will help at all. Seems like the most effective course of action was the severe swirl remover and LOTS of pressure. Like to the point I was starting to be afraid I was pushing so hard. One thing that did work fairly well on the tough spots was some left over langka blob eliminator. I don't know what the stuff it made of...but it took them off with a few swipes of a microfober. Problem is I don't have enough to do the whole car...and I don't know if it's really safe to slather my whole car in it either.


 Right now every part of me hurts. Especially my hands and wrists. I need to get some sleep because I've gotta finish the car tomorrow. 


This whole situation sucks. A beautiful 18k mile Impala SS "barn find" that I've literally busted my *** to get back to perfect...and it's violated by some careless idiot. 


EDIT: Oh, and I forgot the best part! I can still knock even the most stubborn ones off with a fingernail! Hah! 

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I tried rubbing alcohol, WD40, Goo Gone...I have Goof Off but don't really want to coat my car in it. Same thing for the Blob eliminator...although that did work on the spots I tried it on. 

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Fingernail polish remover should get it off, just wipe it off after each small section.

Work in very small section, it should come right off.


Try a test area inside you're trunk first


Latex paint doesn't like it. Lol


It worked for me years ago on glass, like a charm.


Don't forget to seal or wax it after because it will remove your protection.


I didn't realize until now it was latex



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I don't know if it's latex. I can't think of anyone that would paint an outside railing with latex paint. I should just ask him for the can...but anyway, I spent a couple of hours today going over the entire car with the blob eliminator and took off everything I found. I was out of time so I needed to finish and seal/wax the car. 


I guess I will just use it on any spots I find in the future if any. But I got all the ones I could find. 

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