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Cleaning the ceiling (Headliner)



Hey guys, I was recently at the Adams HQ yesterday. When I got home I totally forgot to get some carpet cleaner. My wife had pointed out to me that the ceiling in our 08 Dodge Charger Daytona was pretty soiled with what looked like maybe some mocha frap from Starbucks. We are thinking our 3 year was flipping the straw. There are several like steaks of chocolate, and gunk, probably dirt mixed in.


I know this is a odd area to clean, so I was curious on how I should approach this without causing damage to this area.


My thoughts were some sort of foaming cleaner, a towel, and shop vac. Just unsure what to use, I currently have, APC, and car shampoo to use. I might be making another trip to the HQ on Thursday.


Any input would be appreciated!



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I haven't used their APC on the headliner, but you have to be very careful of over saturating the area. This could cause the adhesive underneath to loosen.


Best practice is to not spray the product directly on the headliner, but to lightly dampen the towel you're using and use a blot and twist type motion/action.


I have seen people have success with Woolite/water dilution if you happen to have Woolite. But carpet/upholstery cleaners are your best bet and DILUTED APCs usually work as well.


I have a few makeup brushes that I use on delicate areas, so if the wife has an unused one you could try that.

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I have had good luck using Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner (I know you said you forgot this) to clean fabric headliners.  A diluted solution of APC (4 parts water to 1 part APC) may work.  As Brian said, spray it in the MF cleaning cloth, not on the headliner.      

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Late reply... but I just finished an interior on an 06 Toy Camry and the headliner was pretty dingy. With the UCC I just lightly sprayed and used the soft brush to remove any dirt and stains. It worked very well! Headliner, sunroof shade, and visors all came out very good! Just amazed how well the brush and the UCC worked.

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