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My Colorado experience....

Schwag one

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So, I thought this was too funny not to share. We closed Friday morning @ 9am, everything went smooth...until we got to our new house. The AC guy came promptly at 1030. The movers were supposed to also arrive at 1030... the foreman (Buford) didn't show til 1115. He comes inside, we go through the contract, then I ask where is the other guy?! I kid you not he says; the other guy (Frank) stopped at the park to say a prayer. I reply; I'm not paying him to pray. Frank finally shows up at 1130. Comes inside our house, looks around, then goes outside to look at the uhaul truck. Frank comes back inside and asks me to take him to the basement. I take him down there, he goes on this rant saying how he is usually paid $15/hour, but since he is only contracted with the moving company they only agreed to pay him $12/hour. He goes on to ask; if I can pay him the difference or we could work something out?


At this point you can literally see smoke coming from my head, I was livid!


I simply respond; GET the F out of my house, you're not touching anything of mine. Frank then tries to beg and plead to stay. I laugh in his face and say again, they the F out. The only thing I wanted is some disgruntled employee handing everything we own!


I was so flustered calling the company to explain the situation. We worked out another deal that we would pay half, the foreman stays, and I help him unload the truck....I was forced to help slow paced Buford unload this monstrous truck.


Then my hormonal pregnant wife; Vanessa gets home and I explain the situation. She calls the company fuming, gets all previous contracts, she finally settles on $100 for 'help' from Buford. Welcome to Colorado...

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I have heard so many instances where people hire a moving company, then when they show up they want more money.  Your story isn't out of the ordinary from what I have heard.  Another reason that I do everything myself.  





Edited by LFairbanks
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I'm sorry to hear of your difficulty, Chris.  An observation, a question, and a recommendation...


1.  I don't think your experience is unique to Colorado.

2.  Were your movers based here, or where you used to live?

3.  Keep thinking happy thoughts about living this close to Adam's HQ...

Edited by Norton
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Norton, in IA we used movers who were local to load the truck, but did not travel with us. In CO, we used movers who were local to CO Springs, that I found on yellowpages.com. Their site said they were fully insured and have been in business over 20 years. I just assume they overbooked moves for the 16th so they had to outsource which is no big deal to me, but I would have liked to know about it ahead of time so we could adjust the contract accordingly.


The sites above have some great suggestions, and our next move we will definitely be taking them into account.

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You just described the exact reason why we went with PODs for our move.... loaded and unloaded everything ourselves. I had heard too many horror stories about 'professional movers' and needed about 60 days of storage of our stuff in between anyways. 


POD's delivery guys were super professional on both ends picking up and dropping off 2 units. Couldn't have been any smoother and we had the peace of mind knowing everything was packed securely and safely for the trip to CO. 


Unloaded and the only casualties were a lampshade that got smashed and the bottom corner of one of my metal garage cabinets was slightly bent. 

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I worked for a moving company a long time ago. I can tell you right now that they don't care about your stuff.


Fragile is just a suggestion. Especially when moving stuff off of one truck in the warehouse and repacking it in another. Things just get thrown in.


Also you moved to Colorado Springs. No wonder you had the guy praying on the clock lol.

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I worked for a moving company a long time ago. I can tell you right now that they don't care about your stuff.


Fragile is just a suggestion. Especially when moving stuff off of one truck in the warehouse and repacking it in another. Things just get thrown in.


Also you moved to Colorado Springs. No wonder you had the guy praying on the clock lol.

It sounds as though he just needed an extra hand unloading his stuff on the tail side and drove his stuff himself.


I know for me fragile is just a waste of time to write on a box.  I do however try to treat every box as if it were my own.  And I'am being completely honest when I say that.  Yes there are those that don't care, but I'am always looking to weed them out.  Those boxes pay for my wages and health insurance and each one is a guest of honor. 


Funny about the guy praying on the clock.  My wife when she was a manager she caught an employee praying in the backroom on his rug.  She told him that he was being paid to work, not to pray and to do it on his own time.  Which is the way it should be.  

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Man Chris, sorry to hear that!  I used someone local to move us.  1000 bucks and they moved the whole house minus the garage.  3 guys, 9+ hours and they did a great job!  I will NOT move myself ever again.  It's not worth the pain...  


Unfortunately, you can get this kind of service from anywhere.  You were just the lucky winner! 

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Also you moved to Colorado Springs. No wonder you had the guy praying on the clock lol.

Are you saying work ethic and religious view change depending on what part of the country you reside? - joking... This is a rhetorical question.


I guess it could have been worse, the good thing I was able to see all of our belongings be loaded and unloaded. Nothing was stolen, only one thing broke so far which was an Adam's APC sprayer. By no means was this a defect, it my my fault due to packing. We've used APC for cleaning all bathrooms and kitchen. Even though the previous owners had it professionally cleaned, my wife is OCD about bathrooms and kitchens. We still need to unpack the remaining 20%. Lets all just 'pray' nothing happened to my wife's 6 boxes of Yankee candles.


End of rant!

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