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I am all set to wash, clay and machine polish and then wax my 1977 Fiat for 1st time. A liitle netvous about using the cyclo for the very first time on theis original 36 year old paint.


Any words of wisdom or hints?





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Welcome Michael.  None of it is rocket science.  The biggest key like other's have mentioned is the least aggressive method first, and pay attention.  I don't have the cyclo, but I'am pretty certain Adams wouldn't be selling it if it were dangerous in the hands of a beginner.  

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You could always rent a car and practice on that. 30 bucks well spent, and you can take the insurance if really think you will screw up the paint, although that would be hard to do. Or find a friend with a car that doesn't care about his paint, they will get a shiny car back and you will feel comfortable.


Guessing the fiat has no clear, so be prepared to see your pads turn the color your paint.

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