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Customer Service 866.965.0400

FS (PA): Flex 3401 - Pads/Polishes


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Most is sold! Still have a few pads left though and a few of them are still sealed.


Don't have much time right now to post everything, but i'm selling my 3401 (only used about 3 cars - 2 coupes, one sedan), some Adam's  pads (most still sealed) and polishes. I believe I have 4 MF correcting, 4 MF polishing, 3 foam correcting, and 3 foam polishing. I saw someone sell old polishes here even though I thought you weren't allowed to lol. So if it's against the rules to sell my microfiber pads, foam pads or my polishes, please let me know.


Trying to get $450 + half shipping/PayPal fees for everything. Please email me because I have pictures on my phone to send. bml326@gmail.com.



Brian L.

Edited by blongo804
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