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machine polising observations



Well today I polished out my wife's red Chevy before winter and man I must say it was hammered in spots!


Knowing I would need a real aggressive go I started with SSR. I found during this step that a lot of the deeper scratches seemed to jump out at me, cool. I then went to the focus pad SSR to remove scratch and then back to 7" pads. Now, I did not step back out with orange, white pads as I knew I was going to do the 7"pad tour of panel. Not sure if this is recommend , but I seen no ill effects in end result.


SO, after many hours I found using the flex on this DD I was able to bring a shine back to "head turning looks", but it is far from perfect as lots of "deeper" scratches are now seen ONLY with the best of light and to us with high OCD. As a DD good enough applies!!


I'm finding each time I do a full correction I get better at it, but it is not fun work especially if you want a excellent outcome. There were some scratches on the trunk that I had to do many passes of ore then one machine, drill and such but it came out excellent! Adam is right you can get some good scratches out, just takes time and effort.

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