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Where to start first?



Hey guys, I was lucky enough to have a good friend let me in on his adams collection to finally correct my paint on my truck. I was given two of everything of swirl & haze remover, severe swirl remover, fine machine polish and a pc with the pads. If I remember right i begin with having the truck complete washed then clay bar it then swirl & haze remover first or serves swirl remover? This is the first time my truck will be polished and waxed correctly so any help will be much appreciated.

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5 answers to this question

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Most aggressive to least

  • SSR / Green pads
  • SHR / Orange pads
  • FMP / White pads

Start with the least aggressive product/pad combo first, but if it is bad try SHR first.  Work a 2 ft. x 2 ft. area and get that corrected to your satisfaction,  Now you have the formula for the rest of the truck. 

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Most aggressive to least

  • SSR / Green pads
  • SHR / Orange pads
  • FMP / White pads

Start with the least aggressive product/pad combo first, but if it is bad try SHR first.  Work a 2 ft. x 2 ft. area and get that corrected to your satisfaction,  Now you have the formula for the rest of the truck. 

You are correct wash, clay, then what mc2hill said. This will be a big project. Take your time and have fun! What kind of wax/sealant are you going to use?

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You are correct wash, clay, then what mc2hill said. This will be a big project. Take your time and have fun! What kind of wax/sealant are you going to use?

Yes. Wash, clay then what hill said. Maybe meguiars or just order some buttery wax. If I use the APC on the tires will that bring it back to the black color? I've washed it a few times and the tires are still red from all the damn red dirt at our apartment complex.

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