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Bullrun on speedvision


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Im gunning for Team Camaro... they are from my home town here!!


Bullrun (the TV series) is a dulled down version of the actual Bullrun event. I've yet to be in the Bullrun event but have been to some of their parties and man oh man.. it is awesome.


Bullrun = cheaper version of GUMBALL

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^ first guy was the evo guys..they were doing the break out of jail challenge.. it was on all dirt..he runs through gets his boy out they run get in the car..the 2 police cars start chasing them and as he goes to jump thru the fence he doesnt cut left like the path goes but instead decides to pin it thru the fence and hits a concrete wall or something.. looks like a light post but square. the 2nd one was...the dodge dart guys...did awesome in the challenge...then hes spinnin donuts and stuff and he loses it hits a curb and rolls it twice

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So you have class @ 10 pm? **** I have a class that goes until 9PM and I thought that was late!


As for the show, I'm not a huge fan just because I don't really see a point to it?


yea its a 630-10 we generally get out at 930 but then i gota drive home from s.i to nj

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naa its 30 miles so like 25-40 mins that time of nite if its rushhour it could be like an hour or more though. just by the time i get home and settled and crap i end up watchin it friday night DVR'd cause i get up for work at 4-5 on fri so i just pass out wen i get home

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