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Looking For Buckets


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I see some people order mystery buckets every time they are offered. I know a bucket isn't that expensive to order off of the site but I was wondering if anyone had a couple buckets with grit guards and gamma seals or snap lids that they would like to get out of their way. Shipping will probably be the biggest expense but maybe someone wants to help out a fellow enthusiast? You could consider it a house warming gift. ? I can travel around 2 hours from 46032 or 47353 if someone would like to meet to pass them off. 


Update: I'm not looking for handouts. I'll gladly pay for shipping and I can pay a little bit for the buckets. The only thing I have to trade right now are 4" pads, my stock is low. I'm hoping to find someone local to save shipping. I can order some from the website after we get settled in our new house but I was hoping someone might have some extras they wanted out of their way. 

Edited by Bscott94
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