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Location for Ceramic Coating in DFW?



I hope this is the correct subforum for this question and that this question is allowed on the forum. 


Ive been using Adam’s products for years on my TBSS and love it. 


Recently purchased a 2018 Ford Expedition for my wife’s DD. She can be quite tough of vehicles. 


I’d like to get a professional grade ceramic coating applied to aid in maintenance for the years to come. 


I want to know of DFW detailing companies that you guys are happy with for applying these sorts of coatings. I know proper prep and application is key so I’d like recommendations from enthusiasts. 



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Hello, Not sure if you have found anyone yet. And I have not worked with ANY of these companies personally,  however these are the 3 in D/FW area I am considering. 


New Image Auto Detailing would be my first choice I follow him on social media and the work he does is top notch!! Followed by Wash Doc (Detailer Donnie) and Detail Workz.


I have had 2 friends have their vehicles done by Wash Doc. Not Ceramic Coatings though and they have been quite pleased.


I keep going back and forth on a ceramic coating, I wash my trucks weekly with Adam's Products, and typically get out of them in 3 years, so trying to weigh the cost of a CC. 


The biggest thing with CC is the prep work and paint correction. So research away. But if I pull the trigger, I really lean towards New Image, based on reviews and my following of his work for years.


Let me know what you end up doing! Good luck! 



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Seems to be these questions popping up a bit here lately. If anyone from the Connecticut or New England area is ever in need, a while back I made the offer to match Adam’s sales on our services for forum members. So if Adams does a sale, it’s a chance to save. We are always willing to work with our clients and I’m sure I could provide a reference or two right from this forum if you needed!  


Just offering. I know DC is a bit out of our market!  Wish I could recommend someone there for you. 

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Sorry for such a delayed resolution to this. 


We we finally got my wife’s Expedition coated a week ago. 


We used Mirror Finish Auto Detailing in Wylie, for you DFW guys. Steve was great to work with and communicated promptly. 


It was polished then ceramic coated using CarPros CQuartz Professional. 


Was very hard hard trying to get photos of it with the sun. 


I was was amazed when he showed me the waterless wash with Carpro’s Ech2o. 


Thanks for all your help, guys. I had quite a few great guys help me in PMs too. 




Edited by GoldenArch
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