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Everything posted by detailinmotion

  1. Welcome...one of this days i will go visit that Bragg place again...my first duty station 19 years ago....
  2. I got curious today with the detailing spray....it cleans windows better than stoner window wipes....
  3. Just did my vehicle today with the buttery wax and the stuff goes on and off nice! it was out in the sun too on a dolphin gray metallic paint that look black at night. I actually did a reclay ( did the clay last weekend but wanted to make sure it was still clean) detail spray,revive and buttery last ...americana should be here tuesday so i will give that a try later
  4. Thanks to all...Hopefully I will get to do a full detail on my car tomorrow or this weekend.....(been driving all over getting familiar with the area)
  5. Brand spanking new to the forum and to adams products, Actually... didn't know about this forum until i was watching the Adams dvd that came with some of the stuff I got last week...Due to the the weather I have not been able to test all the adams products i got but so far I am very impressed with the clay and quick detailer! My new vehicle is a very dark gray color and looked awesome last week when it came out of the dealership, after claying the whole car and going over it with the quick detailer my wife even notice the change and the only thing she knows about cars is how to drive them and put gas in the tank...LOL...Just got another box of adams products as I am writing this...Time to go play since its nice out...
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