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Posts posted by j-r35

  1. I still say BG is the best way to go and you could every couple months apply a coat of Buttery.

    This. I'm going to do glaze every other week. I have Americana on mine. Probably won't need to add another coat till July or so. Was always told to not re wax until the water doesn't bead off the car anymore. The old buttery wax did pretty good last summer for me.

  2. Yep, DS never got used on my black car. Drove me nuts that I had to buff it more than when removing wax. WW is my go to product.


    Would you recommend this for a dark grey car?  May pickup one of those blue towels to do a final wipedown, lol.  


    As far as rinse less vs waterless wash is concerned.  Is it worth it to buy rinse less or is waterless good enough for drying?

  3. So i'm mainly active during the spring/summer months since when winter hits don't really get down to any serious detailing till winter is over.  Just was wondering what happened to some of the products that were being mentioned like the water de-ionizer, new firehose nozzle, new wheel woolies, and any other product i might have forgotten?  

  4. Deep wheel cleaner is literally how it sounds.  Good for a deep clean every few months or so, I probably use it 3 times a year on my cars.  Then I hit them with a coat of sealant afterwards, as yes, you will need to re-seal the wheels afterwards.


    The sealant I use on my wheels gives me about 3-4 months of protection, and by the time its done I'm about ready to give a deep cleaning and a fresh coat on them.  For all the in between maintenance washes of the wheels, all I use is the lug brush, wheel woolies, and boars hair brush with Car Shampoo and water on them, no other spray cleaners.


    DWC is also a great paint decon spray if you do it in the shade, spray on, let dwell about 2 mins, agitate with a sponge or mitt and rinse.  Will cut your claying time in half if you use it prior to claying as it will get the heavy stuff out


    Quick question.  Are you hitting it w/quick sealant?  Wanted to ask since I can't get it up to Alaska because of has-mat shipping issues.  Just been using super vrt after every wash on my matte wheels does wonders for brake dust issue, lol.


    I know people mentioned to just use car shampoo and water.  Is it advised to just make a bottle of it mixed in for these cases?  Was thinking of going this route instead of loading up on green wheel cleaner possible.  

  5. Thanks guys.  Figured polish and sealing is fine.  Just went ahead and did it last night and wanted to make sure all is fine.  Next wash i'm going to do my first pass w/the americana.  Still using the old sealant that requires 12-24 hrs till i can glaze and wax, gotta upgrade to the new one sometime.  

  6. Gotta ton of j's i've been collecting, few lebron's, answer 4's, etc.  Picked up my Ray Allen 13's and my ice blue x's and called it a day.  Last purchases before I picked up my gtr.  Most of my play money goes towards the car now, lol.  Too bad their not size 10's i'd probably copped them bred 4's since mine been cracking for a bit now, my old cdp's.  

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