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Everything posted by 6spdg37s

  1. i have alota random photos on my bberry i gotta figure out how to load the pics off it to my mac or jsuat do it on my desktop PC
  2. yea dylan i completely agree with you on that as well...blackberry hopefully learned there lesson..the touchscreen game just isnt for them...supposedly dropping a new phone soon its a cross between the bold and the curve for VZW..rumors have it
  3. Ahh lucky you!! I'm in class right now on my blackberry...me n my buddy did r presentation I think we did good! I hope..lol need this class to graduate!
  4. my head is killing me and i need to do a presentation in a class in an 39 mins and its not done yet
  5. okay everyone just an FYI if you didnt go to the link it was a APRILS FOOL JOKE that Crackberry decided to play on everyone... hope you all had a happy april fools day.
  6. yea are forecasts are backwards today...cause they said rain today but yet it was beautiful all day. But i agree with vette girl jeff...put some body wash in it and have ur gf spray u down in the shower lol yea i saw that i was on bloomberg on my phone all day...im happy it broke 8k as well today
  7. im nice and buzzed rih tnoww.went out drinkin wit jj1087 fun times are normal weds nite routine..one of us is DD iw asnt tonite as u can tell! !! goodnite guys talk to use in the morning
  8. im a huge blackberry fan and personally i hate the storm i have a curve and had a WE before it love them..alota friends have the storm...there POS if u ask me. JMO verizon should axe that phone ASAP
  9. ^ i agree with pretty much everything you wrote lol...uhh almost outa work for the day my boss just bounced which means im out soon too lol
  10. did u click the link and pic link??
  11. ^ sorry i was typing with food on my lap/keyboard at work...so i missed the cap button. i love America dont get me wrong! edit: i should b working but i am thinking instead.. i wish i could go back to the 60s-70s and buy up a whole bunch of true muscle cars and then come back to present with all of them in mint condition with no milage... taht would be one amazing car collection sidesidenote: do any of you guys like the deTomasso Pantera? i think there pretty cool and believe they have a GM 350? in them?
  12. plus your guaranteed a seat at ur fav bar...no stools left? just pull it up and put it in park
  13. first off the barstool is extremely funny lol 2ndly we were discussing the whole GM chrysler thing in class yesterday and its funny cause my teacher is a car guy n alota my friends in the class..we decided that GM especially needs to restructure and make cadillac seen as an extreme high end that will beat the crap out of mercedes bmw etc; as well as axe some other lines and roll some into others... but the point is..American products jsut dont seem to have the quality or dispaly it like they used to IMO.
  14. http://crackberry.com/blackberry-storm-officially-discontinued heres the link..you need to read the entire article and look at the pics pretty intense..ive never heard a company speak about their own product like that before!
  15. i thought crafstman was american made? and then i get my jack home open the box and theres a huge MADE IN CHINA sticker on it?
  16. hey guys if you like this thread check out the april's useless thread i started as well!!
  17. im down for that as well...ill addd it to my original post
  18. in regards to this thread? something specific in life? or jsut life in general?
  19. heres a link to the thread for April Guys! Enjoy! http://www.adamsforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2153
  20. well yes and no! because i was explaining how the thread works in the first one and then the second one was starting it off for everyone! hahha
  21. ^ lol i c a rant coming up soon... i have bluetooth in my G so if someone calls me i talk on that..texting is a no-no unless ur at a red light..gridlock traffic etc; yea in NY there now well over 9 dollars a pack and approaching 10. i just spoke to my boy he is not happy about this since he smokes like a pack a day
  22. I'll get it started. GOODMORNING ADAMS FORUM!! wats up guys? happy april fools day. another day in the office!!
  23. OKAY GUYS!!! Goodmorning!!! were tryin something new here! On my Other car forum we have the offical (month) useless thread. Simple instructions: Post all your random thoughts, activities, anger, hapiness etc; basically what ever you feel doesnt deserve its own thread. (this came about since IT blocks most social networking and IM sites) it gives you a chance to talk to the people you love on your forum. I would think the only rule in here is no double posting (dont post two things back to back edit your original post) and obviously KEEP IT LEGAL i think thats it if any moderators have any other comments or rules please feel free to edit into my post ! enjoy Guys edit: rules as of 4-1-09 (they will be the same every month so follow them with out bein told please! ) 1)FOLLOW ALL RULES OF THE LOUNGE TO BEGIN WITH 2) Keep it legal (robbed a bank? involved in a felony police chase? hiding a fugitive in your basement (regardless if family member or not) dont tell us! lol) 3) NO POLITICS or ReLIGION discussion- (this can go bad fast and make friends enemies) 4) JUST be respectful of each other (which i dont see a problem with on this forum) 3)
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