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Everything posted by Kustom_FX

  1. I use 2 milk crates! They work great for moving stuff and as Steps so I can reach the top of the SS
  2. The best thing would have been a rim to come off when that thing was swerving lanes..
  3. No its in Detroit, I work where the make Maple Syrup.. they even have a darn festival for it called.. The Chardon Maple Festival, yea I know real original. Im not hooligan and I like hockey.. and have a nice Detroit Redwings collection of hats.. about a dozen in all.. oh well maybe I am a hooligan.. but still..
  4. one more reason to justify an Android for me..
  5. Tom in my old store we did the floor with U COAT IT. Great and durable, held up really well to daily year round foot traffic, even with the salt and everything. I have a few customers that have done there shops with it as well. The only thing that ever chipped it was when I dropped and F350 brake rotor off the lathe onto the floor. That took the concrete as well so. Only thing, you will need 5-7 days before you can park on it. Give it a look, hope this helps..
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