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Posts posted by Pure-Vision

  1. Picked up a new toy this week.  Long term plans are to turn it into a pro-touring car with LS engine, Tremec trans and a highly modified suspension so I can do some auto crossing . Car has some history to it too as it was in the March 2007 edition of Camaro Performers magazine. I've got some work to do to get it to the standard of where my 2010 is, but it should be there by spring. 







  2. Just a little beading from day 1 of the Super Chevy Show in St. Louis last weekend.  Spent all day last Thursday  cleaning the car only to have the clouds open up 4 different times on Friday.  Had to clean it again that evening and on day 2, Saturday we made it home before it rained again.  Then on day 3 of the show as we were on the way to the track it came another downpour.  Spent another hour and a half cleaning the car.  In the end, it was all worth it as we took Show Class Winner and qualified for the Best of the Best car show which is an by invite only show in October.  It's was all made possible due to Adam's products!



  3. I work for leading agricultural and rural America marketing agency and one of our clients is Michelin ag tires. Anyway, we brought in one of their tires for display as they will be coming in town next week from France for meetings and to attend the St. Louis Cardinals home opener. Well, I took one look at the tire after one of our employees had cleaned it up and said you need some Super VRT to really make it pop. So, I ordered a gallon of it and they are absolutely thrilled with the result. I think I've also converted a few of our folks over to Adam's in the process.


  4. This past Friday evening was an interesting one here in St. Charles as we had some serious storms move through the area.  As of now the NWS is classifying the tornado that came through as an EF3 that was on the ground for approx 22 miles.  Thank god we had no serious injuries or fatalities and as for us, we're very fortunate for only losing one tree and one shingle blown off but, others nearby have had their homes destroyed.  So, here's a pic of the tree and my daughters Explorer it landed on.  It was twisted off about a foot below ground.



  5. I also work in IT and here is one of my favorite quotes when things go wrong.


    It came from The developers at Texas Insturment and the developers did not supply a description for one of the error numbers, which they said was for debugging and could never occur in the field. When pressed for a description it was printed in the documentation. Well, TI-FORMS had only been in the field a short time when this error started occuring at almost every installation when TI-FORMS was used. I am sure that this was resolved very quickly.



    I think there are some of you who sure can relate to it.


    "Shut Her Down Clancy Shes Pumping Mud"

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