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Everything posted by GXPaycheck

  1. Here's some before and after. Wiped down the back of the car (after a good rinse to knock off the big stuff) since it collects most of the nasty stuff. WW got about 95% of what was there. What was left will require some extra effort. Only problem I had was the towel snagging on badges and license plate frame causing a couple runs in the material. I will have to try it again under brighter lights and see if I can get better pics. Before: After: So far I am very pleased with the product. Should save me a ton of work (and H2O) down the road. Now to follow up with some detail spray!
  2. This is one of those times when I miss all my old 35mm gear!
  3. ....and a better camera. Thunderstorm passed by tonight with some impressive cloud to cloud lightning. Somehow it always new to flash when I wasn't ready. Got a couple pieces of it, though! Added a couple of shots for Adam as well:D
  4. If he had an ark, it would have the best shine in town!
  5. Parked next to this baby at Santa Monica today. Whoever detailed this bird must have some very sore arms! Inside was just as beautiful as the outside. Sorry about the Iphone pics. This Gooney Bird was awesome in person:drool: Real airplanes have the nosewheel in the tail where it belongs;)
  6. It's a new bottle. Still seems to work ok. Just have to put a spray nozzle in it!
  7. Too bad they are so far west of Raleigh. Need to get someone out here in the sandhills!
  8. Nothing I would consider extreme. Maybe the VRT has a different opinion.
  9. Tried shaking. Still looks like white water. No consistency to it. Seems to work OK, but I wonder if I got a bad bottle.
  10. GXPaycheck

    Adam's in NC

    Is that new dealer open yet?
  11. I noticed when I first tried the VRT that it seemed fairly thick, kinda like a cream. But after a while it has thinned out to a watery thickness. I could use a spray bottle for it now. Am I hallucinating again?
  12. GXPaycheck

    DA Down

    Anybody know where I can get a used PC in good condition? I'm naturally cheap (too many years in aviation will do that to ya), but will go new if I have to!
  13. GXPaycheck

    DA Down

    Unfortunately Adam's only sells the PC in a kit, but Ashley was great enough to point me in the right direction (she is the best!!). Might have to pick one up and use the other as a spare.
  14. Great Job! You should do the Corsair too!
  15. GXPaycheck

    DA Down

    Wish I had known that before I bought it. Can't return it, but I did send it back for a replacement. If it breaks once a year then I will always have a new one! I do like the handle on the G110 better than the PC's. Easier to get a good grip on the head of the unit.
  16. I wanna see the pic of Patric and that .50 cal!
  17. GXPaycheck

    DA Down

    Finally get my elbow back in shape and the Meguires G-110 dies while I'm cleaning up (fortunately AFTER I finish what I was doing). Only the 3rd time I've used it since purchase. Something went out of balance internally and the thing started shaking then quit. Sent it off for replacement today. Now I will have to wait till it's really hot out to get any more done.
  18. I might have to photoshop it in. Been to the same spot several times (picking junior up at karate class) and it's never the same!
  19. :lolsmack:Dont ya just hate it when the OCD takes over!
  20. Hey Ed! Ya missed a spot! Just kidding! Lookks great!
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