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Everything posted by ChargerMatt

  1. My car will be paid off in December
  2. I don't recall seeing a thread about pets, so I figure let's start one! Cooper, doing what he does best. He's a mix between a black lab and pitbull, not sure of the percentages or whatnot. He is a rescue. He will spend hours just sitting like that on that couch and watching through that window. It cracks me up every time when I see him sitting like that.
  3. I'm guessing silver or white considering the calipers are silver.
  4. Lmao, I didn't see that. That's awesome
  5. Strip wash, MSS, Glass Sealant, VRT/I&O dressings. A good 4 hours of love after deciding I will be keeping my car.
  6. Well, option 1 would be my friend buying a house. So there's only speculation to if it has a garage or not. most likely because the city he is looking in almost all have garages. Option 2 does, but it needs to be cleaned out. He refinished his entire basement so it's filled with, well, everything that is needed to do that. It's not a bad neighborhood, but it's not as good of a neighborhood as option 1 is. The city he is looking at is primarily a bunch of old retired folk... which is a downfall, because there is virtually NO nightlife. And I want to pay my loans off ASAP, just like my car loan. Which is why I think #2 would be much better financially, but #1 is would be better for peace of mind.
  7. Absolutely, but it won't last long. It has virtually no protective qualities. If you want to put some Americana on top of that it will hold the shine longer. Then put some BG on top of that! Love me some shine!
  8. I would buy a golf shirt or 6. I also want some PENS!
  9. Already putting in 5% That's what I'm thinking. I think about only saving 100-200 a month, tops. And wonder how long I'm going to be stuck without having any equity but a car. Then I think about living with more people and figure I can save up to 700 a month or so... Damn good if I do say so.
  10. Well, I'm the youngest supervisor in my company's history, so I feel the need to move out since I'm making pretty good money at the moment. And I won't be done with school until December 2014 (if all goes to plan) since I'm only part time now. Yeah that's a good point. It is a big reason as I mentioned up top.
  11. I should add that when my student loan payments start, living situation #1 will be tight
  12. Actually, the only thing that would rise are the utilities. His house is paid off and it would stay the same if ended up being only us two.
  13. Hey guys, as you might know, I'm still living with my parents. But after the holidays I plan on moving out with a roommate. A room opened up at another friend's house and it has me thinking between my options. Option 1: 400 rent + utilities split 2 ways in a bigger house, nicer neighborhood, with only 1 roommate. Cost of living around 1700/month for me. Option 2: 225 rent + utilities split 4 ways in a smaller house, not as nice of a neighborhood, with 3 roommates (1 of which is never there - working all day, sleeping, and living with her boyfriend on the weekend). Cost of living around 1300/month for me. I'm just comparing my situations now and would love to know what someone else would do.... Any advice is welcome.
  14. Mini Adam's LED flashlight keychain? Me likey.
  15. If they are clear coated, revive polish. If not, MP 1&2 and follow up with quick sealant with either way.
  16. Best to post a picture of them so we can give a more accurate answer. Painted, chrome, matte, flat, chrome clad? Many different options.
  17. Saw that on another forum... crazy stuff.
  18. Yeah, a golf forum. I can't seem to find the post, but oh well.
  19. Are you by any chance a member of TheSandTrap forums? I saw something eerily similar to this not too long ago. Nevertheless, it's a good post and very informative
  20. I got awarded my financial aid yesterday which is a big sigh of relief. If anyone remembers, I took a new job in May that would leave me working full time and going to school part time. The company is working around my school schedule so I can finish, but I was worried about how the pay increase would effect my eligibility for financial aid. Well I got awarded enough money (including the Plus loan) to cover all of my remaining credits. So even if I don't get awarded anything next year (probably won't even apply), I will have enough in my bank account to cover the cost of my remaining credits. Best of all, is that I'll only be using 2300 or so a semester, so the 16,000 I was awarded is going to sit in a bank and collect interest for the next 2.5-3 years while I finish.
  21. Did you get a chance to drive it? I was talking to my friend who works valet at a fancy hotel downtown and he got a chance to drive one. He said it really has too much power it's hard to drive.
  22. I'm really just going off what I've heard. I'm not very mechanically inclined at ALL, hence why this hasn't been installed yet
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