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Posts posted by joeybsyc

  1. Purchased the original formula when it came out years ago (and was available in 16 oz size) and loved it... used every drop of my original bottle and realized the formula and the bottle size  availability has both changed.  I admittedly have still not completely warmed up to the "improved'" formula , but as i work with it more I'm learning what it can and can't do. 

     In the process of my first detail using this "newer" formula  I quickly  noticed that if you so much as touch a rag or pad that has some of this stuff on it your fingers and hands stain orange.  In fact  I'm typing this with bright orange fingers!  I know the original formula did't do this...  Any plans to remedy this issue?  It's really quite annoying, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one it's happened to?

  2. I bought some of this along with the finishing polish as a combo when it was first released.  Both were 16oz bottles, and I really liked the orange Correcting Polish.. So much in fact that I found myself using it way more than the accompanying Finishing Polish, as the orange Correcting Polish had a bit of cut to it...just the right amount IMO.  You could  feel the mild abrasives when you rubbed a bit between your fingers, yet they diminished quite nicely as you worked the product into the surface and often times I never even needed to use the finishing polish afterwards.   I used up my 16oz bottle recently and found they no longer offer this size, so I bought the smaller 8oz bottle.  


    Immediately after using it for the first time I noticed it seems much different now.   The consistency seems much creamier or smoother, and I don't feel much (if any) abrasives in it when I rub a little between my fingers.   I also note it smells nice now too, whereas I don't recall my original 16oz bottle having much of a scent.     I haven't really tried to remove any major paint defects with this new bottle yet, but I can tell you it definitely seems to be a different formulation than the product I grew accustomed to.    Have they reduced the amount of "cut" this product has since introducing the "Heavy Correcting Compound"?  It sure seems that way to me.

  3. Most people will say glaze first, then wax over it...which does indeed work fine,  but I personally get the best results and most pop from Brilliant Glaze as a top coat.  I almost feel like I'm wasting it when I glaze the car with it then wax over it.   I know that's not the common belief around here that glaze can break down the wax a bit, but unless you're one of those "wax it once a year" types (any you aren't or you wouldn't be here!)  the glaze doesn't seem to hurt the wax protection enough to make a difference.   I wax with Americana, then a couple days later add a thin coat of Brilliant Glaze... usually right before I take the car out on a sunny day.  The pop you get with brilliant glaze as a "final step" works best for me.

  4. Interesting!   I just tried out the new system with my Flex and microfiber pads, and was very impressed.  I was using the stuff on a black car, and I too was very happy to see all of the microscratches and scuffs polish away magically with the orange paint correcting compund.  So much so that I wasn't even sure I needed to use the white finishing compound but ran it over the surface anyhow... I too noticed that some hazing occurred with the microfiber pads, but a quick spritz of detail spray cleaned the residue right off.   For giggles i hand applied a coat of brillant glaze and a coat of americana on top, and the paint looks as good as new.   I have some foam pads ordered, and in the future I may try a finish pass with those when using the finishing compound, as I think it would eliminate the hazing that folks are talking about.

  5. Just to follow up on this issue...For the past couple weeks I have been trying to separate the towels I have that leave lint from those that work as they should.   I will say that it turns out most of the Adam's microfiber towels I have (which is quite a few!) seem to work fine, with no linting, however  I did end up with a handful that I determined were the linting culprits. 



      I called Adam's and actually spoke to Dylan personally yesterday.  he was very helpful in assisting with my problem.   I told him that buy all of my Adam's stuff through GPC (Grabiak Performance Center) in New Alexandria, PA.  and he suggested it may be easier to return/exchange my defective towels there, rather than dealing with shipping back and forth to them.   So today I took a ride to GPC and they were super in an immediate and hassle-free exchange for new Adam's microfibers.   The whole staff at GPC are great guys and have ALWAYS been first-class whenever i stop by to shop, and I can't say enough good things about the guys there.  


    So i just wanted to give kudos to both Adam's  AND to GPC for standing behind their guarantee and for getting me fixed up with some new microfibers.   While I was there I also picked up a bottle of the new Paint Correction and Paint Finishing polishes, and hope to try them out with my new Flex polisher in the near future.   Thanks again for resolving the issue.

  6. One aspect that will accelerate linting is using them on paint or glass that hasn't been properly clayed. The contaminants will actually grab and pull fibers from ANY towels, not just Adam's. If you have linting and the loose fibers appear to be "stuck" onto your surface, this is likely the case.



    Nope, that's not the case either.  My cars are clayed, are completely polished and smooth.  They are detailed and stored inside always, so there's nothing like sap, fallout, etc. on the surface...  The towels glide across the surface as smooth as silk, they just leave a zillion lint particles anywhere they touch.   This is also proven by the fact i can use a different towel on the same car/same surface and not get any of the linting.


       On my black '32 Ford the lint shows very easily.  On my Aqua Blue Camaro and Forest Green Nova you can't see it quite as easily, but it's there just the same.   I appreciate the help and suggestions, but I assure you the problem is not with the surface of my cars' finish, the problem is with the towels themselves.  I agree with camaro2ssblack that it seems the fibers aren't properly woven into them, and easily pull out/shed.  If that is indeed the case, no amount of washing or variation in washing technique is going to be able to fix this.


  7. Wow, i just came back to this thread to see if anyone else ever had these problems and see i'm not alone! You guys who claim the linting only occurs after years of use and many washings.... I can tell you with certainty this is completely untrue of my towels. The ones that lint have done so since day one, and are not years old. The ones that don't lint never did, and it seems apparent to me that the ones I have that lint are always going to lint regardless of how I attempt to eliminate it. What I am trying to do now is separate the good from the bad. The idea that one towel is contaminating the rest and making them lint doesn't seem to fly either because I have washed some Adams towels together and when i try them directly afterwards, some will leave a zillion flecks of microfibers clinging to my paint with a single wipe, while the "good" ones don't leave anything behind. I have a stack of towels that are brand new and have never been used nor washed, I need to determine if they are linters or if they're ok. Once I have the good and the bad separated I will call and see what Adams can do, either by exchanging them or refunding me for them or whatever. Thanks for offering to make it right, as I spent quite a bit of cash on these and hate the fact that I can't use some of them without leaving lint stuck to my car.

  8. I have about a half dozen (maybe more) Adams towels that have this issue and I've tried just about everything i can think of to stop it.  When I wipe my black car i can see thousands of tiny fibers shedding from the towel and clinging to the body.   My paint is smooth, and I don't have this issue with other towels, nor do I have it with ALL of my Adams towels.  The towels are not stained or worn, I've tried washing them in woolite, Tide, and even plain water... I've tried treating and pre-treating them with Adams revitalizer, tried boiling them for 10-15 min at a time,  tried air drying them, drying them on low heat in the dryer, and even hand washed them, but whenever they dry out and i use them again, i get the exact same issue with the "micro-lint" that seems to static cling to my car and needs to be removed with a different towel.  I'm using them with detail spray, and they have never been used for waxes, chemicals, or anything else that would degrade the fibers prematurely.


    To clarify this post, I'm not "bashing" Adams products, as i DO have some towels that work fine with no special treatment, but for the life of me I can't seem to get about 6 or 7 of them to stop shedding.  They've done this since new, and as noted above, they still DO look like new, as they've only wiped about one panel before I notice the lint and proceed with the next wash/lint removal attempt.   I'm betting I'm not the only person who's ever had this issue, and am hoping there's an easy fix to it that I'm missing.   Is there a known bad batch of these, or is there a simple solution?    Any help would be appreciated!  -Joe

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