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Everything posted by GMaak

  1. They are indoor pets?? If so. yes, this is the exact thing with my labs. They are a year apart and the older one did not bother the puppy in any way. Also it is a pain in the butt since puppys sleep so much, but try to put puppy into kennel when ever it wants to nap. If you do this later on when he/she is tired it will go lay down on its own. The big thing is being consistent. They are just like human infants and will cry every couple hours at night so dont always give in and let out every time otherwise the puppy will learn how to get your attention all hours of night and you will never get sleep. Hopefully I am making sense. How old is the other dog? If some what close in age they will become best buddies... Oh, and another BIG thing is always recognize the older dog first when coming into a room. This way the older dog does not get jealous. ( you only need to do this the first couple months ) My daughter is going to vet school so I learn a little from her about animal behavior.
  2. I have crate trained both our labs. Get a large enouph crate that has a divider and only give them room to turn and sleep, if you let them have full run of crate they will potty in corners and defeats purpose. Then adjust divider as they grow. Once you open the crate to let them out pick them up and take to potty spot, dont try to walk them out or they will step out and go. Put a big blanket over the crate like a roof and they will sleep better and longer. Only leave one toy in crate at a time. The puppy may even grow and want to stay in the crate into adult hood, but if your other dog is not crate trained I would doubt it. Just my 2 cents
  3. Am I the only one that thinks puppy breath smells like doritos? And that great puppy breath has very sharp teeth that come with it. OUCH!!!!
  4. Adam, thanks for the honest reply. I usually use a otc degreaser like 409 or some kind of orange degreaser otc. I love what VRT does to the car but was not sure what it would do to flooring. PS....I am still looking forward to the new paste wax. Any ETA? Regards, Gary
  5. Hello, I have flexi-tile (pvc) through out garage and I am thinking of watering down VRT and applying it to floor via garden sprayer to keep it looking new. Manufacture recommends shine keeper from Armstrong but it is used for no wax floors and I am afraid It will be to shiny and get traffic marks in very little time. The big question is can you cut/water down VRT. Or do you recommend something else? Any suggestions welcome.
  6. Don't hate me...But 81 today in Phoenix Arizona. Spent quality time out in the garage.
  7. HEY, Did you hack into my photobucket account and find my wedding pictures.
  8. Here are mine. Would be proud to hang a Adams banner when available.
  9. First car I ever had was a Plymouth Valarie. Then a 72 Nova to make things right. That pic brings back some memories.
  10. I love my wife very much, she just does not understand my OCD. It is very unusual for my ride to be dusty living in the desert.
  11. Ok, my wife and I are out in the garage talking to some friends and she says oh look you have dust on your car. She proceeds to take the towel that is thrown over her shoulder (used to clean the bathroom counters) and wipes the dust off. You can only imagine the look on my face and the lovely halo scratches... I could not react quick enough. So I have a free wife with free shipping. Just dont let her get near your rides. Alright I am just kidding.....about the free wife.
  12. Bluezey, the cabinets and flooring were all purchased at Lowes. The cabinets are a melamine, with a metal trim. Price was reasonable for cabinets but flooring is a little pricey. rnoggle, All I can say is I know, I know but my wife and kids hang out in the garage as well and that was a little touch I could live with. On the otherside of the garage is a game room with table tenis and darts. Please do not take my MAN CARD away yet. Gary
  13. Here is a pic of my baby.
  14. thx very much nC6Bill, you may have created a monster...j/k
  15. C6Bill, not sure what you mean by open them up for full size. How do I do this? Is it when taking picture or up loading from photobucket? Regards, Gary
  16. Just playing around to see if I can post pictures and stuff. Thanks
  17. All I can say is 16 oz is perfect. And I belive we all suffer from OCD and squeeze the trigger to much. LOL .02
  18. Ken, I unfortunately know what you are feeling and the anxiety running through your mind. I was laid off two months ago and had no idea what and how to provide for my family. I have over 24 yrs experience in high end retail sales. Now is a time to put your faith to the test, everything happens for a reason. I stay focused on my job search and do not get down on family. I have been patient and now have two very good job opportunities that may pay close too the same or better than previous job of 7 years. I have been very humbled in my job searches and offers. Not to preach but hang in there and good things will happen.. Feed your family and put a roof over their head. Gary (The guy from Surprise AZ)
  19. Adam, Looking forward to meeting you also. I have been using your products over the last two years. I filled up my arsenal last year when you had a booth at Russo and Steele auto auction....I paid admittance just to get in and buy your product.
  20. hey Kwhite, do ever get to the north west valley near Surprise? I have a pc all the pads etc. if you would like to barrow some time. Let me know...Gary That is if Adam does not do a full detail on your ride :uk:
  21. The white one has a much more sports car look, but the power of the LS7 is awsome.
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