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I Don't Think This Will Buff Out


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Hi Everyone. I figured I needed a place to chronical this. Here is some background. I got a love tap by someone in a white car who left a nice spot of less clear coat and more of thier paint on the bumper. Nothing that I couldn't fix myself with a PC and some focus pad. I was more made that no note was left and whoever did it just left. When I was pulling out of the garage the fiance said that it didn;t look to bad. I turned around to respond and cut the wheel and needed about 1/2 an inch. Hit the side of the garage pulling the front end of the car 8 inches forward.


Then last week, It was a little icy and a girl in a tiberon couldn't stop and rear-ended me. Luckily her insurance is paying for that damage.


Well now it is in the shop getting repaired. She is going to look sooo good when she gets back. In the mean time I am rollin in a Hundai. Here is a few pics







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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I finally got her back today. I took a few quick photos. She need some clean up and to find a good photo shoot area. As soon as I have those pics I will post them up. In the mean time, here is the new look










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Well here are the good pics. Drove around town today to find some good spots. Thanks for the comments guys. the only problem, I can't put any product on the newly painted parts for 90 days. 89 more left.












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