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When do you know your done with step 1 ?



When do you know when you're ready to go from SHR to FMP? After a couple passes of SHR the major stuff is gone. Under the bright light you can see the micro marring left behind. The FMP seems to clean it up but in direct sun or bright halogen you see the some of the micro marring still. I'm running the PC at 5000 on both.

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That's why you do a small area until you know what it takes to correct it.


The last pass I do with SHR I remove a lot of pressure and it tends to help some on the micro marring. You're doing AJ's method of correcting I take it?

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Did another pass with SHR followed by FMP. Swirls all but gone which is great but when it comes to doing the whole car, make me nervous. Hard to tell when paint it correct with SHR. Isn't the process to do the whole car with SHR then follow up with FMP?

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Did another pass with SHR followed by FMP. Swirls all but gone which is great but when it comes to doing the whole car, make me nervous. Hard to tell when paint it correct with SHR. Isn't the process to do the whole car with SHR then follow up with FMP?


Now that you have an idea how many passes are needed with the SHR just go around the car with it. Then do the FMP.


The key is knowing what you leave behind, after SHR, can be cleaned up with the FMP. Now that you have seen it you know what to look for :thumbsup:



But it doing two stages on a panel by panel basis makes you comfortable go with it :2thumbs:

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You work one section at a time... each panel is gonna be a little different as far as what it will require it to correct. So work a door until you're satisfied, then move on to the fender, work it until you're satisfied, then work the next panel, etc etc etc.


If you do the whole are in one shot of SHR then come back to FMP and aren't satisfied you'll have wasted a lot of effort.


If you're going for just an improvement - go whole car. You know it'll be better, but it may not be perfect.


If you're going for absolute perfection - its one panel at a time.

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