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Annoying "Haze" left behind



:confused: so i took late last night and today some time to break out the PC on the Audi and start the correction. One, let me tell you, being that this is going to be my first full car correction im not going for "perfection" but very close to it. I washed it Thursday drove it abit on Friday then threw her in the garage. It was kind of dusty so I figured ide try the WW on it (got over my fear and man this stuff is awesome!)


I then proceeded with CLAY wipe then SHR then FMP wiped and noticed a haze on it. I then tried Revive and it got rid of alot of the haze but there is still some left over. Ive quite working on it (im just doing the hood) so I can figure out what im doing wrong. anyguesses? I dont want to MSW/americana it in. i pulled it out into the sun today and my jaw dropped when the sun hit the hood, if only i could get rid of this haze:willy:


I know its not marring because the "direction" of haze changes as i go over it different directions with ADAM's single soft towel.


All towels and products are adams (single soft, i dont like the double soft towels) and btw my towels were clean. TIA

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I"m having this issue as well. Laid down a layer of FMP on top of SHR on my black camaro and MAN was it hard to wipe off. It's got a haze on my car as well now. I called it quits for the night and am going to get on it tomorrow. I'm using the X method, as I felt that the triangle of 3 dots wasn't enough. I"m going to watch your new series, Junkman, and try that out and see what happens. If I run into the same issues, i'm going to upload a video for you as well.


Thanks for all the info guys!

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And don't forget to tell us if a pretty girl walks by the garage like the Junkman did in one of his videos. Ironically that was the first video I saw and have since watched all the others.


He probably has his garage doors closed when working. Mandated by the wife. :jester:


I've uploaded some new videos so you guys may want to check them out. Welcome to the forum Commdir911. I take it that you work as a 911 operator or you run the center. :thumbsup:

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I agree with what Bill said about speed. A little faster. One thing that was a little hard to tell was how much pressure you were pushing down. It looked like the backing plate was spinning to much, so maybe a little more pressure. However, in one shot I seen the veins popping out of your hand which tells me you either had a death grip on the PC or you were pushing down. Since your backing is black take a silver Sharpie or piece green/blue 3M tape and put a line on it. This will help you see how fast the backing plate is spinning.


Thanks Bill and 1anonly! I will apply more pressure and add the tape, From the video's ive watched over and over again it sounds identical to what adam/dylan use. I also read somewhere on here once the motor starts to bog down its at the correct pressure, is this correct or no?


Now that I know that you can make a video, make another one without the music. I want to hear what you're doing and thinking.


In the video, these are the things that you need to show and tell.


1. Tell us what speed you have the polisher set for. SPEAK.

2. Show us how much polish you are using.

3. Tell us how much pressure you are using.

4. Show us the pad you are using. Let us know if it is new or used, clean or dirty.

5. Tell us anything else that may pertain to this, even if you think that it is not important.


When you are done with the video, you should have drawn a picture with your words in a manner than a person without sight can gather what you are doing. That's how detailed you need to be. Then we can help you with a lot better diagnosis.


Got it, makes sense now. I was thinking you just needed to "see" the technique rather then hear it...i did put a couple captions in the video, but I got lazy in the middle and stupid youtube keeps covering them up with ads.


And don't forget to tell us if a pretty girl walks by the garage like the Junkman did in one of his videos. Ironically that was the first video I saw and have since watched all the others.


I placed my first Adams order today so I'm glad to see how much help is available for us newbies.


3PedalMINI - Thanks for asking the question and the video - nice to know I'm not alone in starting my quest.


Yeah, there is such a wealth of knowledge and expertise and everyone is willing to jump in and help. even if we dont all see eye to eye on Government made vehicles:jester: **Cough Cough Bill**:jester: your also going to find that this stuff is ridiculously addicting, and stay away from daily specials, they will make your bank account diminish very very quickly:lol:


Also, is this video a legend or something? i hear everyone talking about it yet i can never find it....Anyone want to link it?:D


He probably has his garage doors closed when working. Mandated by the wife. :jester:


I've uploaded some new videos so you guys may want to check them out.


Ive got to make sure not to watch your video with the metrovac, i about whipped out the CC and bought it after your water spot video today:banana:And no wife, still live with the rents:rolleyes: I actually have to keep the garage closed because you should see the women that live in my development, lets say i got the short end of the stick when my parents bought this house...there used to be hot chicks but then they all moved out and now i question why the dog isnt walking the....uhh owner:help::lolsmack:

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That wasn't the MetroVac... :D


pleaseeee pleaseeee pleaseee PM me the blower:D I wont tell anyone, I promise:glasses:


BTW: im 85% complete and there are still a few areas, mostly where ive lifted the PC off the paint that are still hazy. For the hell of it i sprayed a quick shot of DS on my SSMF and went at it. It was gone in an instant....:confused: Ive gotta pull it out of the garage tommorow and wash it as there is a Sh!t ton of dust thats settled on it and im out of WW.


I just want to make sure the DS isnt "masking" the haze with the gloss enhancer....???

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It sounds like you are possibly using too much product. Are your pads clean and dry before you start each time? Also, who's technique are you using?


yup, totally clean and dry. Im using your method...tried the X patern and i felt it was entirely way to much product IMO.


I purches my FMP,SHR & MSW from my local dealer, i was thinking at first maybe FMP was old stock (not making assumptions, just a thought) i know when you order from ADAM's its brand new, and im sure its the same way with the local dealers too but is it possible for this stuff to go bad? Assuming proper storage techniques? maybe it would be possible for ADAM's to print a Batch number or manufactured date on the bottles...Just throwing it out there


Im sure its me and by noobieness though. would you say that 4 dime sized blobs are enough todo the whole hood?

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You need to make another video with the parameters that I listed previously. Also, if you are using my technique, you would know exactly how much polish to use for each application. I am extremely clear about this in my videos. I never used a X pattern in any of my videos so that tells me that you are mixing someone elses technique with mine. That is the recipe for failure. You need to watch this newly uploaded series that I did which explains that in detail. Then you need to post the video that I requested. At that point, I can tell you exactly what the problem is.

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And don't forget to tell us if a pretty girl walks by the garage like the Junkman did in one of his videos. Ironically that was the first video I saw and have since watched all the others.


I placed my first Adams order today so I'm glad to see how much help is available for us newbies.


3PedalMINI - Thanks for asking the question and the video - nice to know I'm not alone in starting my quest.

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I"m having this issue as well. Laid down a layer of FMP on top of SHR on my black camaro and MAN was it hard to wipe off. It's got a haze on my car as well now. I called it quits for the night and am going to get on it tomorrow. I'm using the X method, as I felt that the triangle of 3 dots wasn't enough. I"m going to watch your new series, Junkman, and try that out and see what happens. If I run into the same issues, i'm going to upload a video for you as well.


Thanks for all the info guys!


So many people think that if you can't drive a nail straight, then you need a bigger hammer. It's not the size of the hammer that matters, it's the technique you use to drive the nails. This is so true with machine polishing. I'm doing another series that proves this point without a shadow of a doubt.

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So many people think that if you can't drive a nail straight, then you need a bigger hammer. It's not the size of the hammer that matters, it's the technique you use to drive the nails. This is so true with machine polishing. I'm doing another series that proves this point without a shadow of a doubt.


I'm sorry :( I feel like i'm in trouble and being grounded. lol.

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For the hell of it i sprayed a quick shot of DS on my SSMF and went at it. It was gone in an instant....:confused:


I just want to make sure the DS isnt "masking" the haze with the gloss enhancer....???


When you just stop the PC like that, without it moving, all the polish left on the pad just sits in that spot, DS and a MF is the recommended way to get that off.

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I"m having this issue as well. Laid down a layer of FMP on top of SHR on my black camaro and MAN was it hard to wipe off. It's got a haze on my car as well now. I called it quits for the night and am going to get on it tomorrow. I'm using the X method, as I felt that the triangle of 3 dots wasn't enough. I"m going to watch your new series, Junkman, and try that out and see what happens. If I run into the same issues, i'm going to upload a video for you as well.


Thanks for all the info guys!


Wipe off the SHR before moving on to the FMP. And it sounds like you might be working the product a little too long. And a little shot of DS will help get that off :2thumbs:

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He probably has his garage doors closed when working. Mandated by the wife. :jester:


I've uploaded some new videos so you guys may want to check them out. Welcome to the forum Commdir911. I take it that you work as a 911 operator or you run the center. :thumbsup:


Thanks - I run the 911 center for the city.

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There are a lot of oils left on the surface after spending a lot of time correcting. You just need to either wash it down with Adams shampoo or us WCW. Either works!


If it's the actual paint that's still not quite popping, then do like Chris says above and go back over it with FMP.




the paint is :drool::drool: less a few "deeper" scratches that can only be seen if your on top of it, its incredible.Like i said in my OP im only going for 90% its the DD. I assume you would wash before i seal/wax it?

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Did it look something like this? If so, I'm having the same issue. Dylan and I have been e-mailing back and forth today trying to figure it out. From what Dylan told me is that it is coming from the FMP. FMP is on the oily side. So if the FMP is under-worked or over-worked it could cause this, especially if you were doing this in the sun or on warm paint. One fix he told me to try was to take my Flex with the grey PC pad and Revive and work it at 4-5 speed. Another fix that I'm playing with is a IPA wipe down after using FMP.

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Pay close attention to the pressure and how fast you are moving, go slow slow slow. Also make sure you keep the pad nice and flat. Any chance you can take a quick video of your technique ?

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Did it look something like this? If so, I'm having the same issue. Dylan and I have been e-mailing back and forth today trying to figure it out. From what Dylan told me is that it is coming from the FMP. FMP is on the oily side. So if the FMP is under-worked or over-worked it could cause this, especially if you were doing this in the sun or on warm paint. One fix he told me to try was to take my Flex with the grey PC pad and Revive and work it at 4-5 speed. Another fix that I'm playing with is a IPA wipe down after using FMP.


Identical, it looked like that until i pulled out the revive and now its "slightly" there. If i have to resort to the IPA whats your dilution? also, im working in a garage, paint temperature is right around 72-76 degrees


Pay close attention to the pressure and how fast you are moving, go slow slow slow. Also make sure you keep the pad nice and flat. Any chance you can take a quick video of your technique ?


ill try and set up the cell phone camera on a shelf, Ive followed the video's to the "T" do you have a different "LBS" you would recommend pushing down on the:pc:? I do have to admit that I started to get impatient and probably started moving to fast. Ill go get some coffee and start working on it again and try it slow slow slow:o

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