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i corrected my paint on june 18th and since then i've washed the car 4 or 5 times.


today during wash number 4/5 i noticed some minor swirling in certain areas, mainly the hood and front end, the area between the windows and roof and parts of the back/trunk as well.


so im wondering if its my technique only, or is some of this due to the fact that its a daily driver and sits outside 24/7, paint quality, non use of mss..?


i already intended on going back over the car again gradually rather than a one day shot, the initial correction took me 9 hours, maybe i could have done a better job, but it looked great to me when i finished.


the car still looks greats, i'm being very ocd about it i've been told :loser: lol my girl said she couldn't see what i was talking about... i see it :pc:

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Mostly technique, though you do have to find that 'comfort level' with your routine... keeping a black car thats daily driven and kept outdoors 100% swirl free is something that'll drive you batty.


Not saying its impossible, but you're essentially combining all the worse possible circumstances and trying to counteract them. Sometimes its best to find the level of 'imperfection' you're willing to live with and work towards maintaining that.


My truck, for example, is garaged - BUT... it also hauls stuff back from the home improvement store almost every weekend, lumber, shrubs, gravel, you name it. Plus it gets driven on long trips with the family, it makes a couple trips a month to Angel stadium and is in the parking lot while tail gating with my friends and gets brushed up against by my son occasionally in the garage. While I can get it to 100% flawless, keeping it there would simply be too time consuming for my busy life. I'd say my truck is usually a good 90-95% and I'm happy with that... its a range I can maintain, and I always know a weekend in the garage and I can have it at 100% if I want.


Keep in mind too... even 80% perfect is better than 99.99999999% of the cars on the road.

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so true, i would love to have it at 100% all the time but it sits outside and its black and settling for 90-95% is right about what i want to maintain/achieve.


i use two pads and wash the car at a warehouse with all sorts of amenities (vac station, drain, water pressure gun), so i dont even use the bucket sometimes until its time to clean the pads because theres a utility sink so close to me when im washing the car (pad never touches the sink).


i just started using a leaf blower wash number 3 to dry the car before coming back over it with the gw x ds.


shooting for 90-95% all the time lol and yes 80% is definitely better than 99.999999999% of whats out there.


thanks :thumbsup:

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Trust me it will drive you batty. It does me all the time. The places you name get swirls faster than any other places. Just try and deal with it as you go. That's all I do now.


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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Mostly technique, though you do have to find that 'comfort level' with your routine... keeping a black car thats daily driven and kept outdoors 100% swirl free is something that'll drive you batty.


Not saying its impossible, but you're essentially combining all the worse possible circumstances and trying to counteract them. Sometimes its best to find the level of 'imperfection' you're willing to live with and work towards maintaining that.



Keep in mind too... even 80% perfect is better than 99.99999999% of the cars on the road.


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I agree with Dylan and Chris on all points. I'm in the same boat, no garage, and my truck is a DD. It drives me nuts that its not perfect 100% of the time, but When its parked next to another vehicle that's obviously not "Adamized", I know I have at least accomplished something special with my paint. I've learned to just fix it, then maintain it for a couple weeks, while attending to other parts of my life LOL, then if I have time I'll spend a day and make it perfect again, which is the best part about these products in my opinion, perfection is never out of reach!!

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Same boat here and even 2 weeks after a correction i've already got issues(that i see). DD, no garage, long trips to the lake, gravel roads and other people's kids rubbing my paint, i just cant expect 100% to stay. Just gives me an excuse to get away from the wife and polish something for a while again, but it a little irritating how hard it is to keep that first polished shine. I just got my foam gun, used it yesterday so hoping for improvement. Also just got my additional wash mits 10 minutes ago so can finally throw out the mf that gets used on the lower portion of the truck. Best of luck to ya, i think even with the most perfect technique black paint is just doomed but looks so good when you want it to.

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