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Woodward Dream Cruise Significance


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Whats all the fuss? 1,500,000 people attending the Guiness record worlds largest car cruise. A police escort of hundreds of Detroit Muscle cars roaring down Woodward, the nations first paved highway starting in Detroit, the motorcity, close to the original Ford factory and proceeding 16 miles. Absolutely stunning cars in a constant week long assembly down and along Woodward. Cars with more ground shaking horsepower than you can ever imagine. People that live and breathe cars. Exhibits like route 66 and buildings adorned with huge car billboards. Examples of every American born stock, custom or hot rod ever created.


I went Friday and Saturday and had a blast even if my neck is sore today from the head spinning. I represented Adams well with Ww and DS on my Mustang after getting hammered with bugs on the 80 mile drive at the crack of dawn.


Sorry I missed Teresa...maybe next year. Hope your car is ok!:patriot:

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I miss living in Detroit when i see posts like this. The Woodward dream cruise is always a great event, but Every Friday on woodward and Gratiot are great for any car junkie. My brother lives at 9 mile and Woodward, he likes the cars, but Saturday at 10:00 he just wanted a shower and bed, and it took an hour to get from 696 to 9 mile. LOL.


We need pics!!!!

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Sorry I missed Teresa...maybe next year. Hope your car is ok!:patriot:

:2thumbs::2thumbs: Its not like we didn't try.






Well I must agree that Woodward was totally fun again this year!!


We headed to Woodward around 7am.


We fired up my Husband's Vette and drove to the gas station to fill it up with 110. I love the smell of that gas!


Anyway, on the way to the gas station he said he could smell smoke. I told him it was the junker car that was beside us at the light. WRONG! When we pulled into the gas station he looked under his car and noticed that the seal on his trans was leaking. We called our local Tire shop (Harlow Racing) and told Scott we were on our way to use their lift. We got there and found out that we were not taking his car to Woodward. I had to call a flatbed and they towed his car back home. It was such a sad sad sight.


Since my Vette hasn't been moved since last October we decided to drive my Charger. It was actually sort of nice because being stuck in that traffic for so long the AC felt good. The Big Block in his Vette throws alot of heat and he has no AC so it was a nice change of pace.


I did get a few pics before my camera died and I will post them later after I get home from work. :2thumbs:

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The Dream Cruise is always a blast - but I really think I had a better time Tuesday and Friday night then I did on Saturday. Maybe it was the weather, maybe it is just a little less traffic.


Teresa - I hear you about driving a big block Chevy without air conditioning - it was a hot one Saturday and then the storm came. I hated having to roll up the windows and trap the heat in the car even more.


But always a good time! I was trying to get to FLint for "Back to the Bricks" but couldn't fit it in. - I hear its better than Woodward, as after 5 o'clock, it's show cars only on the street!

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