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Candy Paint -

Guest Gone & Forgotten


Guest Gone & Forgotten

Dude I met asked me if I could detail his ride. Paint is overall in good shape, but the Auburn logo on the hood is very 'raised' or shows alot of 'relief'.


I told him this is Candy Paint and to my knowledge, is a different animal from the normal base/clear we see today.


Am I correct on that? Or is this paint treated the same as other paint?8dabe407.jpg



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Guest Gone & Forgotten

I wasn't tall enough (at 6' 2" tall) to get an accurate photo of the image painted on the hood - the auburn tigers logo - (oval with tiger head in it) - but it seemed like they layered that paint about 15 coats thick... the millage is ridiculous - wondering if a PC would be safe on that thing. It's painted on - but wow... some edges on that baby.


Those 28" wheels make this a tall vehicle.


Thanks for the reply, Mr. Dylan.

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Guest Gone & Forgotten

Good question - I'll have to ask the cat. Met him on a job site today. Sure I'll see him Monday. Thanks for the help man, seriously.

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