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Need A Point Or Two W/ These Headlights



So I have before and after pic's of each side!<br><br><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

The first set is the left side but only half could be done due to my batteries running out. I did two passes w/ SSHR and two passes w/ the SHR followed by one pass of the FMP<br><br><o:p></o:p>

The next set of pic’s is the right side, which I was able to due two passes w/ the SSHR and two pass w/ the SHR<br><br> until my battery was drained again.<o:p></o:p>


My 4in. pad were totally clogged, so I decided to take some pics and get some feed back.. :confused:<o:p></o:p>



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The last set of pic's is of the right side still looks foggy like there is water on the inside! I wonder if that’s the case or if I need to still work that headlight some more?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

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In the last pic, the lenses to the right of the vertical tape looks good, but the left side still looks cloudy. I have only every used a corded drill to avoid the drained battery issue.

Usually water will show as condensation inside the lens, or you can see a water line inside (My M-I-L was rockin' the aquarium headlights when she passed her Crown Vic on to my son!). If you thinks it is water, try running a hair dryer over the lights to chase the water away.

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In the last pic, the lenses to the right of the vertical tape looks good, but the left side still looks cloudy. I have only every used a corded drill to avoid the drained battery issue.

Usually water will show as condensation inside the lens, or you can see a water line inside (My M-I-L was rockin' the aquarium headlights when she passed her Crown Vic on to my son!). If you thinks it is water, try running a hair dryer over the lights to chase the water away.

I'm on my way to try the hair dryer trick right now!!<br><br>


Yeah I have had decent results with the left headlight, but with the right headlight that hazed spot after that amount of work makes me a little


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Ok, so I just tried the hair dryer trick but had no luck, It seems as if the headlights have a dual leans on them preventing me from doing a full headlight restore but after two more passes with the SHR and another pass w/ the FMP, this is how they came out.

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