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Marine Sense of Humor - It's Sick!


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:lol: :lol:


This video is typical of the type of crap we use to do to each other when I was in the Marines. The prankster drops a dud grenade toward the front of the Humvee. The DRIVER gets up and starts running for cover WHILE THE HUMVEE IS STILL ROLLING DOWN THE ROAD! Now it is imperative that the guys in the back of the Humvee be in on the prank so that they can stop the driver from exiting, and if the prankster was nice, then the front seat passenger needs to be in on it so that he can grab the wheel! LOL!


All kinds of crap could have went wrong here but that was never something we thought about when doing the crazy crap we did. It was "anything goes" for a laugh and the opportunity to torture each other. Hell, some of the crap we did is still classified and I will take that stuff with me to my grave. But man, did we have fun and darn near die doing it! :lol:


When it was all said and done, these were the guys that I wanted by my side if the crap hit the fan. We feared nothing when we realized that fear was the biggest enemy we were fighting.



<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygfBwPN2-cc?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygfBwPN2-cc?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

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Thats not a funny joke. I probably would have beaten the guy!


Same here...with being on your toes all the time in a war zone playing jokes will get you killed. If the guy was on a real mission several minutes after this and a real grenade was thrown he may haven't reacted the same. Also this wasn't a hummvee. Im not even sure what this is actually. As it looks to be a simulator not a real military vehicle.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

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Same here...with being on your toes all the time in a war zone playing jokes will get you killed. If the guy was on a real mission several minutes after this and a real grenade was thrown he may haven't reacted the same. Also this wasn't a hummvee. Im not even sure what this is actually. As it looks to be a simulator not a real military vehicle.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Exactly. The next time this happens it might be real, but they wont think to react b/c they probably think its another prank!

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A Navy buddy of mine was serving in Panama when that went off in the mid 70's. He spent a night on the roof of his compound with an M16. His comment about the Marines was "Some of the jokes they make about them are true, BUT, when there's a fight, I want THOSE guys on my side".

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Same here...with being on your toes all the time in a war zone playing jokes will get you killed. If the guy was on a real mission several minutes after this and a real grenade was thrown he may haven't reacted the same. Also this wasn't a hummvee. Im not even sure what this is actually. As it looks to be a simulator not a real military vehicle.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Exactly. The next time this happens it might be real, but they wont think to react b/c they probably think its another prank!


I can tell that neither of you guys have ever served in a combat zone, especially within a outfit like the Marines. Trust me, there's a time for jokes and a time for alertness. We never mix the two. yesnod.gif

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I do understand how Marines like to joke. Trust me I served 9 years in the National Guard Army and done two tours in Iraq in an Infantry combat unit. I would say about 80% of our unit was prior active duty military which included crazy goons from 82nd, 101st, 10th Mountain, and of course the Marines. So trust me we did alot of the same crazy pranks during training and Im not saying they we were right by any means. Was it funny? Yes of course but like you said there's a time to joke and there are times when its not. I can say we didn't really allow that kind of joking during our tours of duty while in Iraq. The video was funny at some level. So don't get me wrong I love to joke just as anyone else does.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

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