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Adam's Glass Cleaner VS Adam's Glass Cleaner... and some other stuff.



I have two un-opened one gallon containers of Adam's Glass Cleaner.


One is appx. 6 months old and the second is about one month old.


They're both stored in a climate controlled garage inside metal cabinets with closing doors. This time of the year [and during the heart of summer] the garage doors are next to never opened.


I noticed last night - after requiring a refill of my 16oz. bottles - that container A's contents is a different shade of green then container B's..... not slightly but quite considerably.


Is this a dye issue [a little more application in one then the other] or should I assume that the lighter colored one [close to clear] that I've had for about a month has, for some reason, gone awry?


Also, on another note, some of my Adam's spare spray nozzles are tinted at the neck while some from a recent order are not. The tinted ones have a spray-off-stream-off pattern while the non-tinted ones are spray-off-spray-off.


Why's that? I really like the "stream" option.... especially for the Adam's C&UC and targeting spots.

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3 answers to this question

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The glass cleaner can be from 2 different batches. The colour wont always be the same, but the product will work as expected. I had 2 different bottles of SVRT, One bottle was a different shade of white, but they still operate as designed.


For the sprayers, maybe they were designed by 2 different manufactures.

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Color inconsistencies are to be expected with the organic 'people & environmentally friendly' ingredients glass cleaner has in it.


Also if either bottle has been exposed to sunlight for a period of time it tends to go to a milky green color, almost white-ish. Leave it in the sun for about an hour it'll actually turn full white.

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For the sprayers, maybe they were designed by 2 different manufactures.




I'll be sure to specify on future spray nozzle orders that I wanted the tinted one that also have the "stream" option.


Any yes Dylan, one of them is a milky color/finish. Never seen any sunlight though.... at least not in my possesion.


As long as they work, I couldn't care any less about the appearence.

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