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Reminder Speed Kills...........


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The car vaulted off the roadway, struck a power pole, went down an embankment and launched over a 15-foot-wide canal. It then struck and broke a second power pole, rolled down another embankment, caught fire and landed in a field north of Interstate 90, Sampson said.

Wow, theres a time and place to test your vehicles HP, and its definitly not on our roads. There neeeds to be more drag strips so people can hit max HP in a controled enviorment.

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I teach traffic school classes....let me tell you, there are people have have NO respect for the general public. They also have NO appreciation for what REAL speed is. Anyone can simply stand on an accelerator in a straight line. The REAL problems come in when you have to steer/brake/respond to an emergency. We are NOT as good of drivers as we think we are (generally).

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I teach traffic school classes....let me tell you, there are people have have NO respect for the general public. They also have NO appreciation for what REAL speed is. Anyone can simply stand on an accelerator in a straight line. The REAL problems come in when you have to steer/brake/respond to an emergency. We are NOT as good of drivers as we think we are (generally).


The "no respect" reigns supreme here in Virginia Beach.

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I see it everyday. My personal goal is to make The Circle of Honor list. I have 8 years left. Some of you may have seen this published in the USA Today. I think it usually is printed in August.


UPS Circle of Honor Recognizes Elite Group of Safe Drivers | upside Blog



Here are some good tips that we are drilled on all the time, that each of you can use.


Five Seeing Habits - YouTube

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I should be awarded something for my GREAT driving skills.


I have NEVER been in any accidents and I have NEVER had a ticket since the day that I started driving!! Knock on Wood.


I do consider myself a very good driver.


Its sad when anyone dies and I truly hope he didn't suffer.


By the story it sounds like he took a wild ride when he left the road!! RIP

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This story is so sad and there is no excuse driving in such a way on a public highway.

There is a place for speed beyond reasonable and proper and that is on the track or drag strip. To bad that this country does not have a decent program for teaching every one of our drivers the proper way to handle a motor vehicle.

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I see it everyday. My personal goal is to make The Circle of Honor list. I have 8 years left. Some of you may have seen this published in the USA Today. I think it usually is printed in August.


Great job so far Chris! I used to work at the hub where Ginny works.


Here are some good tips that we are drilled on all the time, that each of you can use.


Five Seeing Habits - YouTube


I used to read these every night on my way into work, and have passed them along to my son.

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Great job so far Chris! I used to work at the hub where Ginny works.


I used to read these every night on my way into work, and have passed them along to my son.


Thanks Michael. Did you make it? I admire people like Ginny and Ron that have been able to do it for so long under all different circumstances. The 5 seeing habits are an excellent tool IMHO. My son will get the drill on them when he starts driving for sure.

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