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Alright, been a while since I posted anything on here. SOOOOooooooo, the 2011 C6 Vert met it's demise when it broke loose on me and I couldn't recover. End result, wrapped it around a tree on the driver side door with the top down in July. GF was with me and she was totally alright, I was able to walk away and not go to the hospital, but I did break some ribs. Ultimately I did well with the insurance, because they totaled it out. GF says I can't replace it with another vette until she gets a ring!


2009.5 Pontiac G8 GXP is still tucked away nicely in my garage, and currently has just a hair over 8000 miles on it.


I am back working at Cadillac, I left to manage another dealership, but the hours really got to me. Cadillac was always good to me so they made a nice offer to have me back.


December - We had a serious goal to hit here at the dealership, and were giving cars away like I've never seen before. This resulted in me basically buying/leasing an SRX on impulse! Essentially I bought the payment more than the vehicle, but I'm happy with the SRX. GF traded in her 02 Mazda, and her 2006 GTO and bought herself a 2012 CTS AWD Luxury edition! Her GTO was nice, and we both miss it, but she is super happy with the Caddy. After the accident in the vette she was a little more nervous driving the RWD 400hp car. Hers was a cream puff too, 06 with just a little over 11,000 miles on it.


I haven't gotten around to taking any good pics of our new cars, but I have some. Since I bought them in December I have not had a chance to really give them a good detail. There is some pros & cons to not having fully detailed the car yet. Since it was swirled up when I got it, and I knew this ahead of time, I'm kind of being lazy with the car until I correct it. I got to say it's nice running it through the machine wash here at work, knowing it needs to be corrected makes me not worry about it going through the machines! Cons: of course my black cars don't look like they should!


My SRX is Black Ice Metallic with ebony leather. GF's is a Black Raven with Cashmere interior.



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Thanks man! I love my G8, even though I don't drive it very much. Every time I open up my garage I just smile seeing it, and it brings me enjoyment to just wipe the dust off it, start up and pull it out of the garage, let it run a bit and then back it right back in.

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Welcome back John! Nice new rides!


Sorry to hear about your accident, but good to hear you were relatively unharmed.


Since I bought them in December I have not had a chance to really give them a good detail. There is some pros & cons to not having fully detailed the car yet. Since it was swirled up when I got it, and I knew this ahead of time, I'm kind of being lazy with the car until I correct it. I got to say it's nice running it through the machine wash here at work, knowing it needs to be corrected makes me not worry about it going through the machines! Cons: of course my black cars don't look like they should!



I guess that Flex will be getting a work out soon.

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so you ready to sell those ginger mid XVIs now? :D


Absolutely! No reasonable price refused! Do you need them shipped or would you want to stop by my dealership and pick them up?


So the weather is supposed to be almost hit 70 tomorrow! I will most likely be giving the SRX a bath, but don't think I will be polishing it yet. Would be awesome if my recent Adams order arrives today!

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Hey Chris, glad to see you're still here too! Yea I miss the vette, but I will get another one eventually. I took a good hit, so the fact I walked away, I think has probably made me a vette lover for life! My GF and I both agreed, at least it wasn't the Pontiac, since that can't be replaced.

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Luxury car makers often lead the charge on the subject of new security equipment. Cadillac is unleashing a brand new raft of safety features for 2013 models targeted at reducing distracted driving and other hazards. Among others, Cadillac installing vibrating seats as safety feature. I have heard that the seats use “haptic feedback,” which is employed by other automakers in steering wheels. Cadillac is saying that the idea behind the vibrating alert is in order to have a warning system for drivers who are hard of hearing or have the stereo up too loud to hear the chimes or might be annoyed by various bells and whistles.

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