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Besides Adam and the entire Adam's crew....and mods


There is a lady that shops at Sam's where I work. Probably in her mid to upper 30s. She is paralyzed from the waist down. She comes in with as many as 5 kids (all between 1 & 8 years old and very well behaved). She never asked for help. She doesn't ride around on one of those electric scooters, just an arm powered wheelchair and pushes a shopping cart at the same time. She's always smiling. Never complains about anything ( like, Why do you keep moving stuff around? or This is cheaper at XXXXX.)


I saw her get in her van today, no ramp. She reaches in, grabs the seat and steering wheel and pulls herself in. Then reaches out and grabs her chair and folds it up and puts it between the two front seats.


The woman is truly an inspiration. I feel as I have no right to complain about anything.

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My brother was like that. He was wounded and paralyzed from the waist down in Korea. From the time he was shot till the day he died he never uttered one word of complaint. He'd pull himself into his car and fold up his chair and go. Only thing he ever needed assistance with was stairs.


So for all of you who park in handicapped spots, take a second and thank God that you can walk and park somewhere else.

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In all fairness (and I'll probably get flamed for this) but you don't know how she got that way.


She could have been running from the cops after assault on a police officer, tripped, fell, landed wrong and got paralyzed.


Judgements go both ways ya know.

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Despite how she got there, really makes you reconsider complaining about little things in life that you should otherwise just shrug off.


I will not be complaining about traffic when I home today, thanks Len!

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Thanks Len, most of us have nothing to complain about. Just look around and you will have to admit that you are one fortunate person. Slipped at work on an oily floor and life changed forever, that was Oct.28,1995. I love life more than I ever did before and have never looked back.

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In all fairness (and I'll probably get flamed for this) but you don't know how she got that way.

She could have been running from the cops after assault on a police officer, tripped, fell, landed wrong and got paralyzed.

Judgements go both ways ya know.



cough* cough* just the liberal in ya :D haha. I kid :jester:.


Its always nice to see stuff like that though, either way makes you feel bad about complaining about anything. Theres a "little person" who goes to my school, never asks for help but does everything I do, just in different ways. Every time he amazes me from what he does and his ingenuity and always is happy. I realized a while back when my dad passed away 3 months before i graduated high school that nothing small ever matters, fights or anything. I cant even fight with my dad even if i wanted too, you can have everything taken away so fast, live for today people and love those around you. Life isnt as serious as it seems, just like his story, happiness is contagious. :2thumbs:

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