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Anyone Here play BF3 for the PC?


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Anybody here play BF3 for the PC? ive been playing since october and I am obsessed with this game. I cant even play MW3 anymore, had i not downloaded it on steam i would have sold it long ago lol.


The new mappacks and game modes coming out look awesome and the close quarters looks like its going to be the game mode that puts the final nail in the coffin for the COD franchise after crapops 2 :D


JC if anyone on here plays. My name there is 3pedalMini. :thumbsup:

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ME! I play every chance I get. I beat the campaign for MW3 in a few hours, never touched it again. Can't deal with the people that play that game.


Add me on Battlelog, savi01. (zero one).


Progression - SaVi01 - Battlelog / Battlefield 3



BTW, I'm a pretty deadly sniper ;) Almost 4000 kills with my trusty old M98B!


nice man! just accepted you. That is awesome, nice job with that M98. I cant snipe if my life depended on it. Im a total Helicoptor Whore, and can get pretty wicked wit the TV missile if im passenger :D.


I hate usas dudes, i quite playing operation metro because it got so bad. They finally nerfed it and i love playing metro now :banana:



UPDATE IS GARBAGE!!! RAGE!! they may have just ruined BF3 for me


this is the one patch that made the game so much better, there are still a few bugs but man do i LOVE this game even more after the patch. My brother says the same thing and hes on PS3. Maybe they butchered it for console so everyone would come on the pc, where BF belongs. :jester:

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So far the new patch for the PC is decent. Some minor things I wished they didn't touch like how insanely fast the LAV can take down a heli but try shooting that thing down with anything else and it takes forever.


Overall, not bad though. Love this game. Miss the commanders from BF2 however!

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Sorry, I hate the game. It is the most bug filled, poorly made game in a LONG time. They should have waited to release the game at least 6 months to actually make it functional instead of rushing it through just to beat MW3 to market. I played through SP once and will most likely never touch the game again. The graphics are amazing and how the characters move are also amazing, but the gameplay was horrible. Lots of potential that was just wasted. Maybe they have fixed a lot of the bugs by now, but the whole experience of it just burned me bad. A web browser interface to launch the game? Stupid.



Currently just playing StarCraft 2 again and not-so-patiently waiting for May 15th when Diablo 3 releases.

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A lot of people had issues with the game but I guess I was one of the lucky ones that didn't. I don't like the browser interface either, but I got used to it. I did have some green flashes and random crashes in jets early on, but a nVidia driver change fixed that for me.

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i was fortunate and didn't have any real issues until i updated my Nvidia driver. Two weeks of crashes and they finally released a new driver and all is well. I do admit there are some bugs and before this last patch it felt like the game was rushed and unfinished at times. Still an amazing game!


But, MW3 is filled with its share of bugs too. or was, havent played it in forever maybe they fixed them too. MW3 is a waste, better then crapops but not nearly as good as MW2.

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XBOX 360 BF3 Player here as well, absolutely love it. I don't play video games, but years ago I played the BF series on computer. After several years not playing I decided to get BF3 and an Xbox 360 just for that game which I did. The new patch is good/bad if you ask me. The USAS A$$es with frag rounds were ridiculous. It was like having a fully auto tank firing guided missles at you, thank goodness they toned that down. Biggest gripe is my favorite weapon, the M249, I just got it and was learning to use it when now the recoil after the patch makes it unusable without a bipod, which I guess is more realistic. I'm adjusting unlike a lot of the crybabies on the BF3 logs, but sometimes I still have to laugh when I run into someone and start firing and end up looking at the ceiling after 1 second lol. If they really wanted to fix some things, how about making it much harder for the snipers out there, I hate those guys!!!!!!

Edited by cfiiman
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Same here, i am not a gamer by any means but MW3 and BF3 were the reason why i built my gaming PC and moved away from a MAC. I was a PS3 MW2 whore though, i wish i had played it for the PC then but i had my IMAC at the time that couldn't run it smoothly

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snipers never seem to bother me. I was sad that the MAV cant kill people anymore lol I would kill 8 or 9 guys in a match just messing around with that thing sometimes


snipers dont bother me unless their base raping. Now, Thos MAV guys....I have some choice words that would probably get me banned :help::lolsmack:

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LOL! I alwatys feel the same way when i get killed by the MAV but it was always funny to fly it around and kill a few guys. It was never my go to but it was fun everynow and then. The USAS being less dominate will make the metro much more fun I hope!

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Haha, I guess you guys wouldn't like to play against me.. all I do is snipe :D


The game was obviously rushed to get in some of the $$$ before MW3 took it all. Though it might have been buggy, I'd still rather play it with all its bugs then play MW3 with the kids on there. Just a bunch of online trolls who ruin the experience.


What angers me the most, is that I've been playing CoD since it first ever came out (loved those WWII games), but once MW2/3 came out in the past couple of years, the amount of kids who have no idea about the series other than MW2/3 for their consoles who try to "teach" me about the game realllyyy ticks me off. I even got into an argument with the girl working at Gamestop when MW3 came out. When I asked for the PC version, she was surprised anyone even played it for the PC, said it should stick to the Xbox, "where it started".


Where's a rocket ship when you need one to ship people like that off this planet? :D

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I have yet to really have any major problems with bf3. I prefer it over the CoD series hands down. I think what most fail to realize is that Battlefield has always had a more realistic approach, which I like.


Also, I am glad they toned down the USAS frag combo....I mean really...spewing 12guage high explosive shells out of a fully automatic shotgun?!?! It was like playing a crazy 80's action movie minus scantily dressed women and crazy hair. All in all, I am glad they stuck to their roots as realism is the way to go.


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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I have yet to really have any major problems with bf3. I prefer it over the CoD series hands down. I think what most fail to realize is that Battlefield has always had a more realistic approach, which I like.


Exactly, Battlefield is more "realistic". CoD has these random kill streaks where you could now call in dogs from somewhere or some random gunship - etc etc, but in BF everyone has a chance to play all aspects of the game w/o having to "unlock" being able to fly jets or drive tanks and so forth. Sure you have to unlock certain weapons but that keeps the noob spamming down :)

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  • 2 months later...
revive this thread from the dead! Who has the close quarters DLC?


i honestly havent played in close to two months since ive been so busy. Ill have some time tomorrow, thinking about downloading Close Quarters.


My clan probably forgot about me...

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