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Hey guys whats up. My name is Ryan Tombs and I am from central NJ. MY car is a 2012 black v6 mustang. Can you see now why I am on this site? haha

Anyways, I am new to detailing about 6 years ago my dad wanted to get into it. So for one fathers day he got a Griots garage kit. About $400 I think. Well, he never really got into it and our supplies are now depleted basically besides some pads and the porter cable we got with it and the bucket xD

So I am looking for some new things. Right now I basically do a one bucket wash (i know i know, need two buckets) with mothers car wash. Then use a quick wax from turtle wax. with micro fiber. I have been doing this any where from every week to every other week basically since september. It's done almost in direct sunlight. I know my process is flawed, you don't have to say that again lol. That is my over view. Thanks for reading!

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If you are only using one bucket, just be sure to rinse your wash mitt after each pass on the car, and before dipping into the wash bucket for more soap...it will take more time but will really reduce the bad stuff on and in the mitt.

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If you are only using one bucket, just be sure to rinse your wash mitt after each pass on the car, and before dipping into the wash bucket for more soap...it will take more time but will really reduce the bad stuff on and in the mitt.


Going out to buy a second "rinse bucket in a few minutes... thanks for the post!

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