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GM truck volant intake help


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Ok so I ordered a volant intake for my truck and recieved it today. Checkin out the box all seems there except for some bolts missing unless im reading it wrong. Ive got 4 bolts, 4 washers, and 4 locking washers. I know some truck owners here have the volant intake so im looking to them for some help. My work hours does not permitt me to make a phone call to customer service since they close before I even get off work. I plan on installing tomorrow or hoping anyway so please throw your input my way.

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i know quite a few people on gm-trucks.com have the volant. have you asked your question there? they're usually a bit nicer than the trolls on gmfullsize.com


i wish i could help, i almost got the volant, but got a good deal on amazon for my K&N

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