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Marketplace Fairness Act........

Mark L

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Anyone else following this BS legislation?


Senate Signs Off On Marketplace Fairness Act; Online Sales Tax Inches Closer To Reality


Marketplace Fairness Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


First Amazon starts taxing us California residents and now the government is going after all online retailers. I'm hoping Adam's doesn't fall into their parameters of $1 Million out of state sales, but logic tells me their revenue is much larger.


I will be very upset if I have to pay sales tax on all future orders. It will definitely impact my future purchases without a doubt. I'm sure that can be said for all retailers. Making small businesses become tax collectors is yet another step in an all out controlling government that is growing too large.


I hope Congress has some logic and doesn't pass this bill, but most likely they will.


If they think by passing this legislation that I'm all of a sudden going to go to a brick and mortar store for my needs, they're sorely mistaken. I rarely shop locally, cannot stand the lines or traffic. Almost everything I buy is purchased online, even things such as toothpaste.


Just had to rant for yet another stupid piece of legislation that boils my blood.


*And for those who say "it's not a new tax, you should have been paying it all along"......... PLEASE! I bet less than 5% of the population actually pays this "use tax". Why California should get a cut from my purchases made at Adam's is beyond me! Last I checked, California wasn't paying for my Detail Spray! It's an A and B transaction and California needs to C it's way out!

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I heard the House was not likely to pass it. Hoping that is true. Amazon did not volunteer to collect sales tax. State government went after them if they had a distribution center inside the state. Indiana and Amazon made an agreement to start collecting on 2015 I think.

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I heard the House was not likely to pass it. Hoping that is true. Amazon did not volunteer to collect sales tax. State government went after them if they had a distribution center inside the state. Indiana and Amazon made an agreement to start collecting on 2015 I think.


Only reason Amazon agreed to collect here in California is because they're getting tax incentives to build warehouses here in the state. One of which is right by where I live. They received massive tax breaks to do this. Amazon thinks by opening warehouses in their largest consumer state, they'll be able to offer 1 day or same day shipping and increase their revenue here.


It's all about their bottom dollar, they could care less if we consumers have to pay sales tax.


I don't know what others pay in sales tax, but where I live, it's 8.25% (was 9%) and now our stupid mayor wants to raise it another 0.5% to fund police cause our crime rate is out of control. We already had a 0.25% sales tax raise for this very reason in the last 10 years. Plus the recent 0.25% Prop 30 sales tax increase for schools. They won't be happy until sales taxes here are 10%+ as the norm.

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13% for ontario residences. Either we pay direct to adamspolishes.ca or pay by cod with a brokerage fee from adamspolishes.com. all online retailers in Canada collect the provincial and federal sales tax (8% and 5% respectively in ontario). Depending on the order and deal it could be more beneficial to buy from the us site.


Sent from my Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk 2.

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I'll probably be the only one here, But I do pay the "use tax" on my returns, and I would pay the sales tax for online purchases. About the only items I buy online are stuff I can't get local.


When I bought my Nikon camera from the local Best Buy, the sales person checked the price if it at Amazon, and matched them. Even with the tax I paid, it wound up being the same price.

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A giant step sideways for the consumer. The dopes here in California, well, that doesn't surprise me. These guys are drunk on spending.




They just keep spending and spending, then want to increase the sales tax to get more money. So tired of it!

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Haha, just wait for Obamcare to kick in. People think they feel a crunch...just wait. Not trying to get into a political debate, but in all seriousness I hope everyone is an informed citizen!


Are they going to put the millions of people who refuse to pay it in jail? :lol:


It's a joke

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My understanding is that if stores, like Amazon, Walmart, Target for example have a store in the state you reside in then they are currently required to charge sales tax. It will just expand on what is kind already being done. I don't order off the internet to avoid sales tax. I do it because it is too easy to find what your looking for and have it show up at your door step by the end of the week.


Internet sales tax passes Senate

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My understanding is that if stores, like Amazon, Walmart, Target for example have a store in the state you reside in then they are currently required to charge sales tax. It will just expand on what is kind already being done. I don't order off the internet to avoid sales tax. I do it because it is too easy to find what your looking for and have it show up at your door step by the end of the week.


Internet sales tax passes Senate


They have to have a "physical presence" for the sales tax to be required.


I 100% order off the internet to avoid sales tax, I admit it. We get taxed here in CA for everything you can think of. They have CRV on cans, a deposit we must pay, and they add sales tax on that! No joke.


My point to this thread is if this will impact Adam's, which I believe it would, since it states $1M in sales out of state, which I'd be shocked if they didn't do on a yearly basis.


I just think it's wrong to make all the small businesses out there become tax collector for all the state and local municipalities. Why should these small businesses have to bear the cost of calculating and paying sales taxes for the thousands of different tax jurisdictions.


Yet another step for big government intervening in the free market system that our country is supposed to be based on.



This sums up Amazon and their greedy mentality:


"Amazon's view is, we can afford it, and others can't," Goldman says. Taxation "jacks up others' costs and becomes a barrier to entry to competitors."


First Take: Internet taxation shapes Amazon-eBay battle

Edited by Mark L
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Reminder, we don't have a politics section here because, well, that kind of thing is toxic to a friendly community. Debate the merits of the tax proposal if you want, but this thread will be closed if it dissolves into a political rant.

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Reminder, we don't have a politics section here because, well, that kind of thing is toxic to a friendly community. Debate the merits of the tax proposal if you want, but this thread will be closed if it dissolves into a political rant.



Thanks, Rich:2thumbs:

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Reminder, we don't have a politics section here because, well, that kind of thing is toxic to a friendly community. Debate the merits of the tax proposal if you want, but this thread will be closed if it dissolves into a political rant.


I understand.


Just worried this will affect Adam's, my only concern.


I'm sure he won't be pleased if they have to make sales tax payments to thousands of tax jurisdictions.

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I will not touch this because I admit .. Im NOT a fan of the government!



I do not think its unavoidable ..if they want their money they will get it.

My idiot governor just pushed for this that all companies are now required to charge tax on internet sales for CT residents. Our state spends money faster than W DC.

Edited by Mongosg8
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Well I hate to admit this but I'm pro this law! I know that I will be paying more on a lot if not most of my online purchases but its only fair. Consider this scenario (true story), I have a local bike shop that sells beautiful bicycles and has a bike service center attached to it. I went to him last summer to buy a good quality bicycle and not the crap they have at Walmart and target. I found a bicycle I like for approximately 400 bucks which was very comparable to Amazon except this guy will charge me 7% sales tax on top of the 400 while Amazon, because they don't have a physical location in NJ, won't charge me a penny for sales tax. Now who do you think I'm gonna buy from? Personally I like to shop locally because every time I see stores going out of business and 10 stores for lease in one plaza I just feel guilty some how. Physical small mom and pop stores are not competitive any more and part of the reason is not service and it's not the product but its the price mainly and tax is part of that along with the overhead. People still like to visit stores and touch and feel things before they buy, in fact retail stores are now combating what they call showrooming which is people going to the store to look, touch and feel and go back home to buy online and save money. Retail stores and online stores should compete in a leveled playfield.

Edited by Fierce5
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Well I hate to admit this but I'm pro this law! I know that I will be paying more on a lot if not most of my online purchases but its only fair. Consider this scenario, I have a local bike shop that sells beautiful bicycles and has a bike service center attached to it. I went to him last summer to buy a good quality bicycles and not the crap they have at Walmart and target. I found a bicycle I like for approximately 400 bucks which was very comparable to Amazon except this guy will charge me 7% sales tax on top of the 400 while Amazon, because they don't have a physical location in NJ, won't charge me a penny for sales tax. Now who do you think I'm gonna buy from? Personally I like to shop locally because every time I see stores going out of business and 10 stores for lease in one plaza I just feel guilty some how. Physical small mom and pop stores are not competitive any more and part of the reason is not service and it's not the product but its the price mainly and tax is part of that along with the overhead. People still like to visit stores and touch and feel things before they buy, in fact retail stores are now combating what they call showrooming which is people going to the store to look, touch and feel and go back home to buy online and save money. Retail stores and online stores should compete in a leveled playfield.


I'm actually fine with the new tax law, too -- lets face it, as it is now internet retailers have advantage that hurts small local businesses, so it's only right that the playing field be leveled. States and localities lose out on all that tax revenue, too, and thus have to make up for it in other ways, like increased property taxes, auto registrations, service fees, etc. At least with sales taxes it's progressive. And the more small businesses that can survive in your hometown, the more jobs can be created and the more money that can stay local.


And I have to imagine that it's not an insurmountable burden for internet retailers to collect sales taxes -- everything is computerized and automated anyway, plus every local business in America is already adept at calculating and collecting sales taxes -- they've been doing it for decades.

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And I have to imagine that it's not an insurmountable burden for internet retailers to collect sales taxes -- everything is computerized and automated anyway, plus every local business in America is already adept at calculating and collecting sales taxes -- they've been doing it for decades.


That's exactly right. Part of the law is that the government (IRS) will offer a user friendly simple to use software for small business to use online and submit the tax form etc. Also, they are only required to send the tax to the state where the buyer lives and not the municipality, in other words regardless where I live in NJ my sales tax will be sent to the state if New Jersey and not to the municipality and that if course, to make it easier for small businesses

Edited by Fierce5
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Well I hate to admit this but I'm pro this law! I know that I will be paying more on a lot if not most of my online purchases but its only fair. Consider this scenario, I have a local bike shop that sells beautiful bicycles and has a bike service center attached to it. I went to him last summer to buy a good quality bicycles and not the crap they have at Walmart and target. I found a bicycle I like for approximately 400 bucks which was very comparable to Amazon except this guy will charge me 7% sales tax on top of the 400 while Amazon, because they don't have a physical location in NJ, won't charge me a penny for sales tax. Now who do you think I'm gonna buy from? Personally I like to shop locally because every time I see stores going out of business and 10 stores for lease in one plaza I just feel guilty some how. Physical small mom and pop stores are not competitive any more and part of the reason is not service and it's not the product but its the price mainly and tax is part of that along with the overhead. People still like to visit stores and touch and feel things before they buy, in fact retail stores are now combating what they call showrooming which is people going to the store to look, touch and feel and go back home to buy online and save money. Retail stores and online stores should compete in a leveled playfield.



Not me, I buy 100% based on reviews of products and word of mouth. I never go into stores to try out a product. Just the way I like to shop. I hate shopping malls with a passion and avoid them at all costs.


I get what you're saying about the Mom and Pop stores, but those are all being consolidated by corporations. We used to have a store called "Long's Drug Store" here where I live, they were here forever, until about 2005, then they were consolidated by CVS....... long story short, we have about 10 CVS stores in the city now, used to only be 2 Long's Drug Store, I refuse to shop at CVS because for one, their customer service stinks, and I just hate the entire outlay of the store. It went from neighborhood shopping drug store to corporate owned puppetry.


I merely started this thread because I was worried I'd have to start paying sales tax on all my Adam's orders. That was my main concern. When you spend as much as a lot of us do, it adds up, especially with a sales tax approaching 10%.


Like I said before, why should California and my city get sales tax dollars when Adam's is based in Colorado, they have nothing to do with the transaction. Adam's has no physical store here in California, maybe independent distributors, but not stores per-say.




I'm actually fine with the new tax law, too -- lets face it, as it is now internet retailers have advantage that hurts small local businesses, so it's only right that the playing field be leveled. States and localities lose out on all that tax revenue, too, and thus have to make up for it in other ways, like increased property taxes, auto registrations, service fees, etc. At least with sales taxes it's progressive. And the more small businesses that can survive in your hometown, the more jobs can be created and the more money that can stay local.


And I have to imagine that it's not an insurmountable burden for internet retailers to collect sales taxes -- everything is computerized and automated anyway, plus every local business in America is already adept at calculating and collecting sales taxes -- they've been doing it for decades.


You obviously don't live in California where they splurge money like it's endless. So many dumb programs funded here it's ridiculous.


They spend spend spend, then want to cry for more taxes. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

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As a brick and mortar business owner and an American that believes we need to pay off our debt to China so we can be our own country, I support taxing internet sales. I'd like to see it more as a flat tax (3-5%) across the board to make it easier for companies to charge it, but we need to get the money somewhere and it doesn't seem right that companies are allowed to sell on the internet and not charge tax. The tax exemption was supposed to be temporary to help internet based businesses get a foot hold. I think they've got it now. It's time for the government to get a little something.




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As a brick and mortar business owner and an American that believes we need to pay off our debt to China so we can be our own country, I support taxing internet sales. I'd like to see it more as a flat tax (3-5%) across the board to make it easier for companies to charge it, but we need to get the money somewhere and it doesn't seem right that companies are allowed to sell on the internet and not charge tax. The tax exemption was supposed to be temporary to help internet based businesses get a foot hold. I think they've got it now. It's time for the government to get a little something.





I wouldn't mind a 3-5% tax either, but when you're pushing 10%, that's another story



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I wouldn't mind a 3-5% tax either, but when you're pushing 10%, that's another story




I think it's good because it keeps money in California -- money that would otherwise not be there for your state coffers -- but you're 100% correct in that it's the spending side of the equation that CA truly needs to deal with.

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When most go to a bricks and mortar store we pay sales tax. Only fair that we also pay state and local sales tax on items purchased over the INTERNET. Our taxes pay for many good things and some not so good. I don't mind paying my fair share, U?

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