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Canvas Top Cleaning?



I've heard lots of advice on Jeep forums, and have cleaned my Jeep's top with various products, but i haven't asked here: What do you folks recommend for cleaning a canvas soft top? It is tan (was tan) and has lots of dark spots/stains and just doesn't go too well with the Adam's treated paint and glass!


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7 answers to this question

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We are still working on a dedicated canvas top cleaner. 


In the meantime soap/water with a leather & interior brush is effective (you can see this method in the car washing chapter of the videos) 


For more serious cleaning our carpet & upholstery cleaner works, the key is not to spray directly onto the material, but rather onto a utility towel then scrub. 


As for products on the market Ragg Topp is about the standard by which all are judged now, I've also found good canvas cleaners/protectants at boating supply stores in the past if you happen to have anywhere near you. 

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I Have a Rag top Comaro And I Use 303 Cleaner And Protestant Sealer works Well. It is Like Scotch Guarding Cloth. Water Beads up on top When I Wash Car, I Blow Dry With Compressed Air. Easy To clean With Soap And Brush From Wash Bucket during Car Wash.

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This method worked perfectly for me on my sister's boyfriend's Jeep.


I used three brushes: Lug brush, interior brush and a womans makeup brush...yes a foundation brush (don't ask me how I know :)) Also used a few terry towels and utility towels.


Used a combination of Car wash shampoo diluted with water and foam sprayer, diluted APC and their carpet/upholstery cleaner, depending on the area.


My main concern was to make sure that I used the "focus brushes" to agitate the bad parts and wanted the product to really lather good to help bring up the dirt or break down the stain. Wiped away the lather a voila, a perfectly clean soft top one spot at a time.


This was my method and it worked, but proceed at your own risk. Also, sorry for any choppy sentences; using phone.

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It was fine for me two parts distilled water and one part APC. He was so happy with the results, that my sister and him decided to go offroading two weeks later :(.


I use a one part water: one part APC to break up stains on car carpet that the upholstery/carpet cleaner can't handle; for example, salt from winters. Of course I always tested it to make sure there was no color transfer or staining/fading. (Testing is a must for any new to you cleaner or new area of cleaning)


I personally think the key to getting stains out is proper agitation with the proper brush, but of course this all needs to be coupled with a good cleaning agent.


*I've never used any 303 specifc products for convertible/soft tops, however their interior cleaner is solid, but don't like the finish it leaves.

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