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*^&$^@# Birds!!!!


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I've got a "trifecta" of bad situations for parking a car. 1) I have no garage. 2) The power lines to my house are directly over my driveway. 3) There are an insane amount of birds in my neighborhood....oddly enough the neighborhoods with the most trees (not mine) also have the smallest bird problem due to lots of hawks living there. 


So, every day I have to deal with bird crap. Especially in the morning or after a rain storm because all the birds like to perch and dry off/warm up in the sun. Naturally my car becomes their toilet. 


I just did a full detail over the weekend of my GTO and the car is looking sexy. I've been waiting to wash it again so I can get another coat of wax on it before throwing the cover on because it's been raining a lot. Yesterday I had to clean off 4 spots of crap. It came off easily due to the wax/sealant and didn't leave a mark. However today, I either got bombed by one of these guys:




Or a bird who has a steady diet of battery acid and various other corrosives. 


A little spot...the size of a dime. Right on the trunk. Couldn't have been there for more than an hour. The sun wasn't even on the car at the time. Cleaned it off...not only did it leave a mark - but you can FEEL where it ate through the wax and sealant and probably even ate some of the clear! ****!!!!! 


So, now I've got to strip the trunk and go at it again with the flex to get it out. 


And like I said, this happens every day. I spend so much time cleaning the crap off it's ridiculous. The cover is a pain in the *** too...cause every time you drive the car you've gotta wash it. I got some waterless wash but it's' still a pain in the ***. And not only that but it's not like it keeps the car clean...though it does help with the bird crap...but with rain and everything fine bits of dirt get through and with the wind blowing it around it creates surface scratches even though it's secured as tightly as possible. 


It sucks but I'm getting to the point where I'm looking to find a person with a garage I can rent because this is getting out of hand. Storage places want $300+ per month or they have outside spots for $150 which doesn't help solve my problem at all. FML. 

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Man, sorry to hear that.  I cannot stand birds period.  Have you thought about buying a portable canopy? That would probably be your best bet.   It would also help to shade your car when detailing if it's sunny outside. 

Edited by billabongbum
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The more I think about it...the more I realize that birds are the most worthless creatures on the planet. Dinosaurs are all butt hurt that they don't rule the world anymore so they fly around and crap on our stuff. 


Portable canopy won't do me any good. There's not enough room for one really...and if I did find one that fit it would likely inhibit my ability to get the car properly parked in the small driveway, and also inhibit my ability to walk up and down the driveway. I mean, basically the car is as close to the fence as possible in order to leave a path of concrete on the side of the car to walk up and down. A canopy would mean I have to center the car, which is an issue...but the posts in the front would also block my entrance/exit points. Sigh....


EDIT: and the last time I left it on the street someone hit it...so that's out of the question! 

Edited by TGO
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My goal is actually to make it down to North/South Carolina. As close to the ocean as possible. But, unfortuntely it's just not that easy to pick up and move.

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I feel your pain...  I have a single garage, but I can't park the car in it.  I can barely get my bike out of it to the street, too many old cars blocking it.  It's either on the street, or on the driveway under a tree.  And it hasn't stopped raining pretty much since I polished it.  Next year I'm hoping to build a shop, I have a huge yard that I am sick of mowing.  A big shop and lot's of driveway should help a lot ;)

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I hear that. If I could concrete my front yard then I could park the car on the other side away from the power lines or even put up a canopy or carport. It's just too much money right now.

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That's even worse than a stand alone canopy...it has to be attached to the house, which is not possible. 


I wish I could just buy hawks online or something and raise them to be my flying rat assassin's.

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My parents have a bird problem on their Equinox.  Red breasted black bird lands on window sill, and looks at itself in the reflection of the glass.  In doing so, ****s all over the side panels.  Their solution, was to put wedge a white grocery bag in the window.  IE roll window down an inch, hang bag out window, roll window back up.   Bird problem solved.  The bag sways in the wind a bit and scares the bird away.


Since we are on a website dedicated to perfect paint...this may not be the option for you considering the plastic bag "could" damage your paint when its blowing around. 

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I've seen those fake owls. They even have ones that move and make noise. I think I will try one although I've heard that eventually the birds realize that it won't attack them and stop fearing it.

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So I went outside today to tackle this issue and - the spot was gone! I have no idea how or why. I swear there was a visible "dip" in the surface where the turd was and you could feel it with your finger. I went out there today, wiped down the trunk and went to take some alcohol to it but decided to give a final inspection and to my surprise it was gone. 


I suppose baby Jesus has smiled upon my car today. 

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