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Applying Revive and Americana questions



Hey guys, new Adams member here. I just started my collection of of Adams products. Been a long time user of Meguiar's products, which I really like and had good results, but thought of stepping up my game.


So I'm getting ready to do my first detail job using almost all Adams products. Here's my list:


-Meguiar's Gold Class shampoo (still have a gallon of product left I'm trying to use up before switching to Adams shampoo)

-Adams clay bar




So I've been watching all of the videos and have some questions.


The videos show that I can apply Revive with the blue applicator and then without wiping off the residue, I can apply Americana with the Americana applicator. Is there a concern of contaminating the Americana pad with Revive?


Do I need to clean my Revive and Americana pads after each use? Or do people buy new pads each time?


Any useful tips for a first timer on using these products? The videos really helped answer a lot of my questions already.

Edited by scott750
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9 answers to this question

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I would definitely remove the Revive residue before moving on to Americana.


Yes - you can clean out your applicators with APC (some of us soak them in Dawn - another option).  An applicator should last you quite a few applications.  I normally buy a new applicator when I buy a new bottle or tub of product.

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You're right. I got the video mixed up. The video for buttery wax showed haze and swirl remover applied then Revive was applied without removing the residue. But Dylan did remove the residue before applying the Buttery wax. Same thing with the Americana wax. The video first showed Brilliant Glaze applied then removed before Americana applied.


I did see a thread here in the forums that showed using Dawn soap to clean the pads so I'll probably use that method to keep my pads clean.

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I did see a thread here in the forums that showed using Dawn soap to clean the pads so I'll probably use that method to keep my pads clean.


Be sure to rinse VERY WELL.  You don't want ANY soap (either APC or DAWN) left in the applicator.

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Polishes can be used on top of each other which is why you will see people not remove the residue between polishes (if you use more than one), but you will always want to remove the polish residue before applying wax.


Definitely clean out your applicators thoroughly after each use, otherwise the product left in the applicator (especially Americana) will dry and dust like crazy. Like people said, use APC or Dawn and be sure they rinse clean. The applicators last a long time with proper care.


I would check that gallon of M's shampoo to make sure it won't strip off your wax coating the next time you wash the car. The good thing about Adam's shampoo is that it's pH neutral so it will not remove your wax.


If you have never used a paste wax before, it is very different than a liquid. Rather than treating the entire car and letting it cure, Americana sets up pretty quick and is ready to remove within minutes. Because of this you will want to apply to one or two panels at a time, remove the residue, then move on to the next two panels. If left on for too long, Americana (or any paste wax really) will harden and become stubborn to remove without significant elbow grease. Apply it thin, take your time, and just enjoy it. Paste requires a little bit more time and attention, but the end results are worth it. A coat of Americana should last about 8 weeks (give or take, depending on the storage conditions for your vehicle) and the entire tub should last about 50 vehicles for the larger jar and about 30 for the smaller one.

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