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Silverado Detail for Carlisle All Truck Nationals

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So here is how it happened.  Friday my dad came up to the shop I work at during the weekdays and we started on it hard.  Spent a good 4 hours on it Friday washing/claying/interior/PC on the hood and roof, then I went to night/weekend job while he did a little more work.  We worked some more saturday morning for a few hours with the PC before I went to work and my dad stayed a good 6 hours spending some good quality time on it.  Last day of the major stuff was today after I got out of work we hit it for a couple hours. 


So long story short here is what we did and have yet to do:


Friday(5 hours):

-GWC and APC on the wheels and tires

-Wash with Shampoo and Simple Greenmixture to wash (ran out of APC)

-TID and APC on the interior

-Glass Cleaner on the inside

-Clay everything

-PC one pass of Gen3 orange pad/SHR and one pass of Gen4 white pad/FMP on roof/hood

-MSS on roof/hood and removed



Saturday (9 hours):

-APC on all plastics

-Same PC steps on rest of truck

-2 coats of Americana on roof/hood

-MSS applied on rest of truck but NOT removed



Sunday (3 hours)

-MSS removed

-DS on everything

-Touchup spots after seeing it out in the sun.

-Exterior glass cleaned

(left the shop for the first time)




-Rewash from driving/rain(of course it will since the trucks clean lol)

-QS on wheels

-Apply 2 coats of americana on everything

-SVRT on plastics/tires/interior

-MP 1&2 on chrome/tailpipe tips


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Overall, even with only 1 pass of each orange and white, all the swirls are gone.  You can tell though where we got tired because we didnt run the PC on lvl6 we had to switch to lvl5 on the passenger front fender.  Still some scratches that probably the green could have taken off some, but to fully correct we probably needed to do 2 passes of green, 1 pass of orange and one of white to try and get the deep scratches.  I am sure its at least 75-80% corrected, and it looks damn good for 6 year old daily driven winters truck.  Here is a couple pictures of it that I took:







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So the MSS makes water bubbles like crazy.  Literally shot off the truck when I drove it to get the morning dew/nights rain off.  First time that I have finally gotten it on my truck and it needs it being a DD with the winters here.

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MSS is great stuff!  I used it ALL the time until QS came out and now IT is my go to.  


Looks great!  Don't kill yourself too much though...  Having a fully corrected truck is something I couldn't do.  It's just too much work and then you lean over to grab something out of the bed and BAM, scratches...  lol


Good luck! 

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Yeah its far from perfect right now but the PC does a great job getting it to at least 80%.



I put MSS on the chrome but forgot to use the MP 1&2, should I strip it with some APC then use MP or would the MP go through the MSS?

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Didn't even bother with the BG this year, might put it on top of the americana if there is no rain.  didnt do the chrome, just the exhaust tips.  literally as soon as the wax went on....it rained.  dem little water beedies:





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Saw it there on Saturday, looking much cleaner than mine. Washed my truck before leaving on Friday morning and it rained for 3 hours of my 5.5 hour drive down there. Thinking about a 6" BDS myself

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It was too hot what?? lol



This was one of the coolest years since I've been going! I didn't walk around to much but I was there all day Saturday and was with my buddy in the dragging contest. Here was just a few of what we had.













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