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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Checking in again...

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Well, I had checked in a while back and I pretty much disappeared off the map for a while. When I first checked in I had a 03 E500. That's sold, I'm married and I now own a Pontiac GTO and a G8 GT. I have also moved across the country from SoCal and I am now stationed at MCAS Cherry Point in Havelock, NC. 


I sadly, fell off of using Adam's stuff for a while and was using Mother's products. I think the reasoning was because I got a bucket full of it for free in a raffle a while back and it was easier to replace that stuff than it was to replace Adam's stuff. 


I am hoping to change that soon. Once I need to replace some of my stuff, it'll be replaced with Adam's stuff and I'll be getting back into using it. 


Hope to see you guys around more! :D

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