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my 50 foot award winning toy


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My 2009 pierce manufacturing 100 ft tower ladder measuring 49 feet long and 82,000 pounds took home 4 trophies in 3 competitions it competed in this past summer, of those 4 trophies 3 were first place and the bronze statue is the first place aerial trophy for one of the most prestigious is not the most prestigious competitions in the state of new jersey. As you can imagine it took hundreds of hours to clean this truck but using the adams product line made it easy and put us one step above the rest when show cased. I thank adams products for the hundreds of smiles of children and thumbs up given by professional judges during the parade routes. my write up for this truck will commence once  spend more time correcting my sleep schedule then i do my paint on this beast.  :D



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What competitions is this? I've been looking to possibly start something like this in our area for Apparatus.


This is my baby. I'm the only one that washes it and it's never had a brush used on it except the roll up doors and diamond plate. 



Edited by Kingsford
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What competitions is this? I've been looking to possibly start something like this in our area for Apparatus.


This is my baby. I'm the only one that washes it and it's never had a brush used on it except the roll up doors and diamond plate. 



jason there are several competitions we competed in this summer. 2 of the competitions were 100th anniversary parades and the last was the big annual boon ton fire parade that has been made high in terms of apparatus judging. here is the link for one of the judging associations that judge these competitions http://www.njstatejudges.org/

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