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Anyone else in my "boat?"



Purchased the Flex along with an assortment of polishes earlier this year.  Since I'm using it on a new vehicle I've only used the Fine Machine Polish and Machine Super Sealant.  Now that the new two step system is in place I've got a couple of bottles of the "old" stuff (unopened) that now will probably never get used.  Sure hate to simply discard it but on the other hand it seems worth my time (and $$) to pick up the new polish and pad system for my Flex.  Thoughts, comments......rude remarks?  :D

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Use it up, or you could always sell it if you know someone else who needs it. Just because they came out with a new 2 step doesn't mean the old stuff is junk, it's just going to take a little more time (technically the same amount if you didn't know about the new stuff).


I also bought my flex earlier this year with plenty of polish left, I'm going to use it up until I am out.

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Yea, that's what I'm thinking but here's the question...........since I've started with a brand hammer new car and I'm using all Adam's products and techniques I'm thinking it could take a VERY long time before I would ever need Severe Swirl Remover.  Right?

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my old 3-step stuff is now backup for when i get low on the new stuff (for instance, im almost out of finishing polish, so if im doing both compounds on the orange pad (like when your doing a car thats not that bad and you want to save some time) ill just pair up the correction polish with the older fine machine.  The stuff still works awesome so just put it in the back of your shelf and save it for when your running low.

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Thanks for the advice guys!  I'm still VERY new to this and the last time I used my new Flex was the first time.  LOL!  So I'm still getting the hang of this machine polishing stuff.  Does anyone have a "routine" you use on your own cars?  Meaning do you polish/correct on a regular basis (i.e. once or twice per year) or is it strictly on an "as needed" basis? 

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I still have quite a bit of the "old stuff", too, and will continue to use it.  Like someone above said, just because something new came out doesn't make the old stuff junk. I polish my cars twice a year..spring and fall.  Touch ups as needed.  You may not need SSR for the entire car, but you may need it to correct a bad scratch or similar damage.

Edited by CMDChase
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Echoing what others have said - 


I can understand wanting to have/use the latest and greatest, but the release of a new product doesn't instantly render the previous version useless. I say use what you have on hand until its time to restock or you're no longer satisfied with the results. 


Of course we'd love for you to buy the products and we appreciate the business, but theres no sense is wasting a product that you're perfectly satisfied with just because a different one was released. 

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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My two cents is to use the polishes on hand as they will give you a great result. If your paint is new and you are washing very carefully (two buckets, two wash pads, proper technique) to minimize swirls, you probably won't get into the SSR soon, and will have some use for SHR and of course the amazing FMP.  I also think that mastering this combo is good experience for anything that is yet to be tried by you.


Plus, as said above, after your friends drool over your paint and ask you to do work on theirs, you may find the SSR very useful.  I only have had to use SSR on some rock hard clear I encountered.

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