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Correct order of products


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Hi, New from MA,

I have a new C7 coming and decided to do a nice detail once it arrives. I would like to make sure I have the correct order of products for maximum results.

Wash, clay, seal, Brilliant Glaze, buttery wax? I also plan to have a clear bra material applied to the hood after I am finished.

Comments or suggestions appreciated.



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Definitely consult your clear bra installer before doing anything... they will be able to give you the best info on how to prep the surfaces, or at least let you know what they'll do. If they'll be striping the surfaces to apply the PPF then you'll want to hold off on your detail until after they've done their job. 


Other than that, your order of application looks correct. Keep in mind you don't HAVE TO do all the steps... many parts of the process are as needed. You don't necessarily need to seal, glaze, and wax a car that will be garaged and pampered. You can skip the sealant and just stick to glaze/wax if your C7 will be more of a weekend toy than a daily driver. 

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just make sure the paint is "correct" before they put the bra on.  typically the installer is going to strip wash the areas they apply bra to so it adheres properly.


congrats on the C7 and enjoy!  i got an offer from Chevy to spend a day with the C7 at the Monticello Motor Club which is a private world class track in NY.  I signed right up and am looking forward to doing it on Sept 27.

Edited by stirthepot
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