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The future of automotive finishes?


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I'd like to see it after a parking lot scuff. Or some bird drippings... That stuff can damage ANY surface!

Well, abrasion will ruin just about anything.  Bird droppings will damage most forms of paint protection, but not all coatings if removed in a reasonable amount of time.  However, if this stuff is similar to Never-Wet, gasoline will ruin it.

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In our experience, the more hydrophobic a coating is, the shorter time-frame it lasts. 

Never-wet is super-hydrophobic but has a very short life-span. 

On vehicles, we use a hydrophobic material that has lasted a little over a year with its repellant properties. 

Our base coating, will protect paint for many years but is not as hydrophobic as the top later.


So as for now, it is a trade off between time and "hydrophobic-ness" of the coating. 

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