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I'm looking for some advice on starting a business. I want to start doing headlight/taillight restoration in my area and I would like to hear some pros and cons of doing this type of work. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Chris, I think it's an excellent idea. I thought about doing the same thing. I was thinking I might get some biz cards and put them on cars with yellowed headlights. There is a company here charging $75 plus. I think that's probably a good price point but I might do a wider range starting at 40 or 50 because one price really won't cover it and some cars will be very quick and easy.

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Here is my take



Much less involved than traditional detailing(you are dealing with a very small area and typically one surface type)

Takes much less time than a true detail

Less supplies and tools needed easy to travel with and set up at a location versus a full detail

Can transform the look of the car more than many other detailing services- I think this is what a business card needs to key on



People may not see the value in it similar to the way some folks look at swirls they really just don't care as long as the car is "clean"

Price sensitivity as a result of the first point

Requires specialized tools and a butt load of tape

Edited by Junior
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I'm thinking around $20-$30 per light depending on how bad they are. I already have the equipment. I'm spreading the word around here at work and I'm doing a friend of mine's car today! Plus offer reapplying sealant every 3 months for $10 lol

Edited by chops1sc
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Chris, lights look amazing!!


I can see your idea working, but my question is; How many people out really care about yellowed lights?

Where I live/work, I see plenty of cars with lights so bad it amazing they can see. The sad part is that many keep the car clean but don't pay attention the the lights.


Maybe making a small poster or something showing the difference between clean and dirty lights can help. Once you get started, word of mouth would be a big help also.

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Oh and one other piece of advice I would pass on, if you could get a fleet account or dealership type account you would be set. Might be easier said than done. I picked one up for truck maintenance for a moving co. through social media by chance.

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