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Wash and Wax Impressions

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Hi all, here to give some inputs on the new Wash and Wax. I have used this on my own car that already had LPS with Buttery wax, H20 GG, and Detail spray every other few washes (so its very hydrophic and hard to tell what the W&W soap actually does). Instead, I decided to take the W&W soap to work and try it on a brand new car... Of course this car needed a good detail. My impressions: Smells good, lubricity is pretty good, suds is about the same as Adams regular shampoo soap. As far as protection goes, it is really hard to tell. So it really doesn't have a selling point to me. Pictures are as follow: clay bar, followed by driver side rinses while passenger side leaves the soap to sit (still ph balanced, doesn't spot). The car then sat outside for about 5 days and through one quick rain storm. I gave it another quick wash with my works soap and noticed the pooling of water for a few minutes, but after lets say 5 or so minutes, the pools finally ran off and left very small beads. Now this beading doesn't seem uniformed by any means or offering real protection, atleast to me. I will say it was nice to see the VRT i applied on the wheels held up nicely; as you can see the water beaded. Sorry I couldn't get natural light pictures. 













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I also bought a bottle and am not sure on how i feel about it. it started to dry on mine before i could get it rinsed. so i ended up having to go back over these areas again as it left dirty water and soap water dried on the surface. once i got it all redone and rinsed off, i dried it with detail spray and the drying towels and the finished product did see satisfying. just not sure i like how it dried before i could get it rinsed. also hard to tell as my truck needs clay barred very badly. we own a body shop and it gets a lot of overspray from sitting there. for the record it is a crew cab long bed truck, thats why it took me so long to wash

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A clayed, clean surface makes all the difference on how water acts upon a surface I know that for sure. When it dried on me though (the soapy wash and wax) it dried with i'd say no spotting at all so that's a plus. Also seems to make good use of repelling rain water from soiling the outside better than before. 

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I used the Wash and Wax soap yesterday evening, I washed my whole truck the temp was around 62 degrees the sun was behind the trees the soap was almost dried on my truck, I rinsed and dried with two Great Whites and there are no water marks or streaks, to me this soap is the Bomb, I really like it so far :) 

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I don't think I've seen anyone talk about his but I have a feeling that wash and wax paired with the sidekick blaster or master blaster could be a winning team.


Did anyone say anything about wash and wax and using H20 afterwards. A bit overkill or not really?

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I don't think I've seen anyone talk about his but I have a feeling that wash and wax paired with the sidekick blaster or master blaster could be a winning team.


Did anyone say anything about wash and wax and using H20 afterwards. A bit overkill or not really?

I believe I've used H20 GG atleast once since using Wash N Wax. Saw no difference.

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