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Removed vinyl stripes, now what



Bought a white '14 Mustang GT last fall. Body and paint pretty decent shape but had really cheap dual 8" Lemans striping on it. Well, I'm always up for a good challenge, so I had at it last weekend. My "system" involved simply removing them in the warm sun. Tried a hair dryer which really was useless and after one try hung up that idea. Took my time and they came off in one piece with most of the adhesive. Cleaned it up with a little auto gogone, followed by Adams waterless wash on a good terry cloth towel. Where the stripe edge was there was a fine line ridge of wax gunk that I removed rather easily with an alcohol swab. It is clear to me the previous owner never strip washed between waxes, so I have a pretty thick layer of wax that needs to come off. Will Adams strip wash cut through the layers of old wax, or should I start with that and follow with an alcohol bath on painted surfaces only then another strip wash and then clay? Going to be fun doing a complete correction on this car using Adams products. I need the rocker panels painted along with front bumper. After she's done I'll post some pics. Not going to re-stripe it but may put a small black tornado graphic on her. It's an Alabama car.

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The strip wash is designed to remove detailing products, like wax, so I would just strip wash, skip drying the car and clay, then dry the car, then compound/polish, and finally coating/sealant/wax.

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With as thick as it sounds . I would likely with strip wash: foam, rinse, foam again and two bucket wash and inspect water beading or buildup areas. Repeat a second or third time until water doesn't bead any longer and any buildup is removed or greatly reduced.

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