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h20 g&g followed by ceramic boost



I was thinking about doing a quick wash on my truck and wifes car today. Its time for a new coat of h2o guard and gloss, but I also just have a ceramic boost in my collection that I have never used. I saw where the 2.0 boost came out, but I have never ceramic coated my cars before. Would using the h2o then putting ceramic boost on top of it work? I know the video for the boost says that it doesnt just have to be used on a ceramic coated vehicle. What are your thoughts? Its been on and off raining here in WV for what seems like forever and didn't want to do a full detail until i know I have some time without rain.






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Agreed with @LSX Maestro on not doing them back to back. They're different base materials; HGG is an acrylic resin and CB silica. Sometimes mixing different products doesn't work well and can reduce the visual appeal of the end result. HGG should last about a month or so, so apply the CB at that point and see what you prefer. Just know the new CB is advertised to last 4-6 months, so switching back may need a strip wash.


Here's a great article that talks about layering, too:



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