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Boost over LPS?



I just went through a strip wash/clay bar/correcting polish/finishing polish/paint sealant round on my truck this past Sunday.  I had planned to follow that up with Brilliant Glaze and then Americana Wax but it was too damn hot and I was worn out after 8 hours.  Since I have had time to sit and think I started thinking about putting Ceramic Boost on after the Brilliant Glaze instead of wax.  Any issues with putting Boost over Glaze (or over LPS for that matter)?  I think I read that some people have used Boost instead of LPS, but I still prefer to used LPS as my primary protectant.  I have used Boost before after washing in lieu of GNG and really like how it beads up the water and resists dirt.  It is kind of a pain because I have the original Boost which required the car to be dry and can't be used on glass.  When I use it up I can't wait to get Boost 2.0.


I appreciate any input.

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