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Easiest way to apply H20 GG



Another forum member and myself have dicovered a new way to apply Adam’s H20GG. Instead of doing the traditional wipe on wipe off method, try this. While the vehicle is still wet, mist 2-3 sprays of H20 on the surface. I do half a hood and fender at a time, or maybe 2 doors etc. Sprays will depend on the size of the panel of course. Spread the product over the paint with a MF towel or applicator. Wait 10 seconds or so till it hazes up and then spray off with your water hose or pressure washer. The haze will be gone and no streaks if you do this properly. This eliminates the need for carrying towels around and you’re touching the surface less. Afterward dry as you normally would. This way may not be for everyone but it takes a lot of the streaky risks away while using this product. And I don’t have to carry 2-3 towels with me while applying and drying. I’m the shade I can apply to a whole side of a smaller vehicle or half of a full size truck. This way saves me a lot of time while applying the H20GG.

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Good tip John.  

I do something similar, but as part of a Rinseless wash - wash the panel, spritz the panel with G&G, level/spread with a MF towel (or applicator), then final dry wipe with a Waterless Wash towel (hardly any moisture left).  

I also recommend upgrading to a Tolco sprayer (like the one that comes on the Adam's 32oz Dilution Bottle) to give a better spray pattern. 

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48 minutes ago, Ls1transam said:

Another forum member and myself have dicovered a new way to apply Adam’s H20GG. Instead of doing the traditional wipe on wipe off method, try this. While the vehicle is still wet, mist 2-3 sprays of H20 on the surface. I do half a hood and fender at a time, or maybe 2 doors etc. Sprays will depend on the size of the panel of course. Spread the product over the paint with a MF towel or applicator. Wait 10 seconds or so till it hazes up and then spray off with your water hose or pressure washer. The haze will be gone and no streaks if you do this properly. This eliminates the need for carrying towels around and you’re touching the surface less. Afterward dry as you normally would. This way may not be for everyone but it takes a lot of the streaky risks away while using this product. And I don’t have to carry 2-3 towels with me while applying and drying. I’m the shade I can apply to a whole side of a smaller vehicle or half of a full size truck. This way saves me a lot of time while applying the H20GG.


Hmmmm interesting. I always get a streak with wet method so I’m a dry method applier. I’m going to see how this method works. 

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2 hours ago, 8675309'SS said:


Hmmmm interesting. I always get a streak with wet method so I’m a dry method applier. I’m going to see how this method works. 


You should give it a shot. Has worked good for me so far. I haven’t noticed any streaks yet.

Edited by Ls1transam
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21 hours ago, Ls1transam said:

Another forum member and myself have dicovered a new way to apply Adam’s H20GG. Instead of doing the traditional wipe on wipe off method, try this. While the vehicle is still wet, mist 2-3 sprays of H20 on the surface. I do half a hood and fender at a time, or maybe 2 doors etc. Sprays will depend on the size of the panel of course. Spread the product over the paint with a MF towel or applicator. Wait 10 seconds or so till it hazes up and then spray off with your water hose or pressure washer. The haze will be gone and no streaks if you do this properly. This eliminates the need for carrying towels around and you’re touching the surface less. Afterward dry as you normally would. This way may not be for everyone but it takes a lot of the streaky risks away while using this product. And I don’t have to carry 2-3 towels with me while applying and drying. I’m the shade I can apply to a whole side of a smaller vehicle or half of a full size truck. This way saves me a lot of time while applying the H20GG.

Basically this sounds like the wet method but using the hose to try to clean it off, and in most cases you would have removed any haze that you missed with the drying towel


Interesting, I have tended to use the Dry method myself. On your comment to touching the surface less, it seems that your on about the same volume of contact. Drying towel in your case vs the borderless grey in the wet method and or dry method. That said you might be a bit "safer" on the paint, as I know in a lot of cases believe it or not if we can assume typical GSM of similar towels the drying towels are at the same or higher GSM than the borderless grey's and obviously the ultra plush is even higher GSM thou its tough to find a comparable towel that does list a gsm. 

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